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The drama continues. I need help!

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For those of you who have followed any of my entries, the drama continues with my ex. Saturday night about 3:30 in the morning he drunk dials me. He is asking me questions about where I am and what I am doing. Well, needless to say that conversations was very shallow. Well, I have to call him on sunday with information about our cell phone bills so he can put his money in my account. I call and leave him a message. Next thing I know he is calling back and was like "Did you call me"? I said yes but I left you a message with my account # and the amount owed so you can deposit the money. He has a hughe attitude, so I asked him if he even rememebred calling me and he said "yes" and he had an attitude and said so, your were at breakfast at 3:30 in the morning and I said yes. The rest of the conversation went downhill from there. He has a huge wall up towards me and I dont know why. I have not done or said any thing for him to act this way towards me. I dont know if that is his way of masking any feelings he has for me or it just makes him that mad talk to me. He got mad becasue I wtold him to take care of himself beforfe I got off the phone and he told me not to say that, so I ask why? He said well you never said it before, so I asked him what would you like me to say? He said say" Talk to you later", "See you later" so I said ok. I don't know how to handle this. I do love him or atleast I love the person he used to be I dont' really know who he is now. I am trying to move on but things keep happening regarding him that makes it impossible. Please help. Any insight from a guys perspective would be great, because I am clueless.

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No, honey, you are not clueless, he is.


Seems to me that he's not sure whether he wants you, but he damn sure doesn't want anyone else to have you!!


Keep up your dignified NC and see what his next move is - hopefully he'll do it sober, this time.


G xx

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My take on it is exactly what GeeCee is saying. He is not sure what he wants. Him calling you drunk tells me that he is deffinately thinking of you. He was obviously checking up on you and I think his attitude comes from the fact that you were out without him so late and seem to be doing okay without him. So he is now having second thoughts about everything.


I have not read up on your past posts so I am not sure about the history between you two, however, if you want him back it sounds like the opportunity might be there for you to do it. The reason I say this is when someone is intoxicated they can do one of two things, have really eradict behavior, or let their guard down and start feeling things that they normaly would not feel or would not show to other people. I think by him calling you he is missing you.


Whatever you choose to do it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. We are here for you!!

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