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Does She Like Me Or Not??

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Ok, bear with me on this folks, it is long - So this girl I like a lot, krystin - she's a senior, I'm a junior. I posted many topics about a few months ago, then quit, now she is confusing me again. After Homecoming that I took her to, we got to talking and I told her I like her, she told me she doesn't like me like that, just a friend and nothing more. Then we pretty much quit talking for 2 weeks because everything was awkward between us. I started going for this sophmore and krystin found out and then started handing around me a lot more than usual and following me around the halls talking whenever she could. She started calling me a lot and then started writing me notes about the new girl 'giving help' and eventually told me she thinks I shouldn't go for her anymore. I eventually quit because I agreed in my head and she knew I gave up. Then one saturday, she called me 6 times on my cel in 2 1/2 hours. I was out with my friend matt and I told her I would call back in a while, 15 to 20 min later, she would call back wanting to talk more. I eventually asked her if she wanted to get together and she said yes. My friend had to go home and I called her when I got home and we talked for an hour, and eventaully met up at the mall, sat in her car and talked for 2 hours, saw 50 First Dates at the theatre and then talked for another hour or 2 and I got home at 1 am.

We started hanging out again in the halls and she told me how much she missed talking to me and that I am the best guy friend she has ever had and the best person I can trust about anything, and that she is glad we got to talking again. The next weekend we spent friday evening together at her house, all day saturday we did stuff, and then half of sunday we did stuff together, she became like 'Super Buddy' We started hanging out more in the halls and passing notes and calling each other every few nights, one phone call lasted 4 hours (I know, that scared me too). She started coming to me again with all her problems and I've started going to her youth group (not just because of her, I have friends there too) and 2 sundays ago after it, instead of going back to her house, she drove around for 2 hours and we talked and she eventually told me about all of her problems and stuff and things I didn't know and how terrible her summer was last year (trust me, it was bad, but not her fault, people turned against her).

She started telling me about this sophmore guy she has a crush on, but bearly knows, he is the kind that attracts girls like bees and honey and then slowly lets them drift away and moves on. She tells me how nice and sweet he is and stuff and that she can't wait until study hall to talk to him and I usually don't say anything back, I jut keep quiet until she changes the topic. Then some other guys she is friends with she says, "oh, I just love so and so, he is an awesome guy, I just love him!...but just as a friend, nothing more" She says that a lot like she is trying to defend herself.

Right before spring break last weekend or so, we spent all day saturday together doing all kinds of things and had a great time. I went over to her house for youth group and afterwards she was quiet in the car and said, "wow, with spring break, we're not going to be able to see each other for a week or do anything together for 2 weekends, that's going to be torture, I'm going to miss you, but we can do something together as soon as we get back" and I agreed. Last weekend when I flew down to north carolina for spring break, after school before the flight I hugged her which was nice, she seemed like she didn't want me to go. While I was at the airport with my friend matt (he came too), she called me to tell me to have a good trip and I said I'm going to miss being able to talk to you to, and she said, I'm going to really miss that too, but we can do something as soon as we get back, that will be nice.

I talked to my friend and he said that she is trying to find a date for Prom (she is the most confusing girl you will meet as you have seen) and he suggested me and she said, "well, yeah, but he is a junior and he can't take me, I want somebody to ask me, not me having to ask them, but I really don't have anyone, but yeah, he would ask me to it, but I hope (some guy she wouldn't name) asks me." So I don't know what's going on there. She has become the best friend I have ever had, but thru all of this she said she doesn't like me, even one og our friend went out with us one day and he brought his friend from st. louis and he even said it seems like she does like me but is holding back for some reason. I don't know what to do except maybe talk to her about it, but I don't know how to go about that or bring it up, to me she really acts like she likes me anything you all can think of will help. All of you have helped me before, but thanks for reading all of this even though I think it rambles and is confusing 8)

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Relationships are funny things. There is a very fine line between loving a person and having a sexual desire for them. I have been in a very similar situation to you my friend and it does leave yourself very confused. Mixed signals mean you don't know how the person really feels about you.

Looking at your situation, your friendship may be all this girl wants from you. You should ask her to the prom. Be confident in yourself as she may be feeling the same about you.

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