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My gf is 16, and I am 17 (senior in high school). I am going to college next year on the other side of the country. Her and I have been together for 5 months now. We both agreed to separate when I go to college. So we were fine when we said that. Then we both came back to each other later, and started thinking "When do we break up?" I mean is it selfish if I just stay with her until I go to college and then we break up? I mean if we already know that we are breaking up, why not break up now? I asked her if she wanted to break up now, and she said no. I want to be with her till the end... but is that selfish? is that wrong? Should we start being friends, so we can start our friendship close distance rather than trying from so far away? I have cried everynight since she told me this (1 week ago). She even said to take a break this weekend from each other. So I am not seeing her until monday.....


then the next problem is that prom is coming up. I already have my suit, and she has her dress and I have the tickets... do we still go? or will agony persist.....


I usually look too into things (as she says). So am I getting all wrecked up for no reason? I just don't see purpose if there is no future...



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Who says you HAVE to break up for college? It sounds like you too really enjoy each other , why not try the long distance? I know people who are working on year 2 of a long distance and it has worked if the love is strong enough....however, if you mind is made up on the separation, then stay with her to the end, go to prom, then look forward to a whole new life in college, while looking back fondly on your days in high school and your sweetheart.

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