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Diabetes or something else

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Hi, I was wondering about this....I have exhaustion, fatigue, feel like poo alot during the day. I tested my blood sugar and it 244 after i had just eaten.....but tested later on two hours after having eaten anything and it was 118. Is there any reason to concern here.

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It's not unusual for blood sugar to spike after a meal. I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure anything above 110 is considered pre-diabetic. You have low insulin sensitivity, which is probably why you feel like poo - your cells aren't absorbing enough sugar, and not producing enough energy. Left unchecked this will probably turn into diabetes. Even if it doesn't, it will rapidly increase the aging process.


What is your diet like? How much do you exercise? Are you carrying a lot of extra weight in the midsection? If I were you I'd starting cutting out all refined carbs and starchy foods right away - ie rice, potatoes and most pasta. More lean protein and veggies. And definitely weight train if you aren't already, this improves sensitivity. You can also try taking cinnamon and bitter melon extract to help keep your blood sugar normal. If you don't get a lot of sun, vitamin D can help too.


And of course see a doctor. Make sure you see the test results... they often won't tell you anything's wrong unless something's seriously wrong. Poor insulin sensitivity is a serious issue, but it's not technically classified as a disease.

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general symptoms of diabetes (type 1 and type 2):


-urinating a lot more than usual

-constant fatigue

-thirsty all the time

-sudden weight loss

-blurry vision


Those are the most common symptoms. if you are not experiencing any of those, you do not have diabetes.


it is common for blood sugar levels to vary after meals.

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