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Gotta love timing...


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So I was out today with some buddies and I ran into an old friend of mine that I haven't seen in a few weeks. She was aking me whats new and how my GF was. I told her what had happened and that we split up. How my ex became very insecure and the issues started an argument every week, etc. She was telling me, "yea, you don't need that. She is way too immature and she should know exactly who you are, etc."

As we finished talking, a girl walked up that was a friend of hers. She said, "Hey, sorry we were gossiping, haha" The girl said, "About his ex girlfriend..."

She said, "Ya, you heard us?"

The girl said, "No, his ex is a good friend of mine."


I met this girl 1 time about 9 months ago because she lived a couple hours away. I had no idea who she was. I was like... NOOO, NOW SHE THINKS IM TALKING ABOUT HER....


They walked away talking. About 10 minutes later my friend comes up and says, "Omg, that was weird. Don't worry I didn't say anything bad at all. I told her that you said it was bad timing and that you wished things turned out different but now is just not the time for you guys. I told her that you had nothing but good things to say about her and that she is a great girl."


So my ex's friend said, "Ya, she thinks he's a great guy and still loves him, she just needs time to herself so she can grow up. Now just isn't a good time.."


I decided I am no longer talking about anything in public...lol

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I am sure it got straight back to my ex... The girl was really cool on making sure nothing negative was said. At the same time tho I really didn't say anything bad. I explained to the girl the last few fights we had and the circumstances that caused them. She said to me, "Ya, she's being crazy... You don't need that. You are a great guy. She knows who you are, she shouldn't need you to change to be able to make her more secure."

My response was, "Listen, I don't want to seem like I am bad mouthing her. In every aspect she was the perfect girl. I truly care about her and have very deep feelings for her. She is a beautiful person. You are hearing the negatives on how she is handling relationships. I can't fault her for not understanding how mature relationships are. She needs to grow up a little in that way to be able to see what was in front of her. That doesn't make her a bad person. I just wish we got together when she was a little further along in that maturity. Maybe one day we will cross paths and it will work out."


Its completely true. I really do cherish the time I had with her. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. However, I also understand that I can't help with her position. I can't make her see what she has to learn on her own. Maybe one day things will work out. Maybe they won't. I could find the woman of my dreams tomorrow.

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