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He creeped me out before the very first date....

Delusional Kisses

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Meet him and judge from that. Texts, even 15 of em, are so indefinite. He could have just been really excited to finally get a chance with you and could have been thinking of you since school and got a bit overeager. I can think of a couple of women from college whom I considered as missed opportunities, kicked myself for eons, and if we reconnected years later, I might have gotten a bit kooky.


Admittedly his execution is flawed, but you knew him in school and he wasn't strange, would cut him a little bit of slack. If genders were reversed here, this person wouldn't be getting all this stalker/danger heat, betcha. The responses would be "wow that's weird but sounds like she really digs you!" and not "head for the hills!"Judge by how he acts around you.

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well, people do change. maybe now he's completely psycho.





Even though it doesn't look promising after those texts, I am in the "meet up with him once" at least camp. Yes, I think it was a bit odd for sure. It would turn me off in a romantic sense but it seemed you'd had better conversations with him prior that seemed "normal" and that you enjoyed enough to want to flirt back.


I'd meet in a public place of course, during the day or very early eve.(when it is light out) & I wouldn't share any personal information with him if you haven't already. Things such as exactly where you work, live, etc...


Even if you feel it was a colossal disaster after you meet, at least you will know for sure & won't be 2nd guessing whether you should have met up or not.

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He keeps calling me in the early morning hours now....3:30, 5:30, 6:00. I haven't answered any of those calls as I am NOT "drunk dial" girl. On Sunday morning, I learned of a friends death. She was someone I had gone to high school with and that evening, I was on facebook talking to some friends about her when I got an IM from this guy. He asked why I was sad and I told him about my friend's passing. He said "I guess its not a good time to ask you to come over then?"

Clearly this dude has no sense. Thinking back on it, I don't remember him being a very kind or caring person in college either. So, with that, I decided to go ahead and close this chapter.

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Don't you mean "Red Flag" OR "Red Alert".


I don't think it can be both


I agreeingly acquiesce.


Also, to the OP, good riddance I say. I think women should listen more to guys when they tell you another guy is a d00shbag. We all share the same brain, so we all know what other dudes are thinking.

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