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I've been with my gf for about 4 months, and lately somebody I know invited us to a party, at first my gf wanted to go, but now she is saying she doesn't because some people there may be smoking pot. I told her that if she doesn't feel comfortable going that we don't have to go. Going to some stupid party is something I could care less about. I don't smoke pot, never have and never will, but some of my friends do which I know she doesn't like and I can understand why. She has asked me before if I smoke and I told her no, which is the absolute truth, and now I feel like she is roping me in with my friend's behavior which is not right. She said she is not mad but I don't know what to think, and of course she has just stopped talking to me for the time being. Now I'm in trouble when I didn't do anything wrong! Any thoughts or ideas on this situation would be greatly appreciated. And side question for the ladies: When a girl says to her bf "I'm not mad" what does that really mean?

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Tell her that if she cannot trust you to tell her the truth the relationship will not last. It also will not last if she doesn't talk to you.


So she needs to know she is putting your realtionship in jeopardy.

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I think she is being so silly. Who cares if your mates smoke pot, doesn't mean you do, or even if you have in the past, it doesn't matter. It's whether you smoke it now or not that matters here. Tell her you think she is being unfair.

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