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Popular excuses by those who cheat


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Yes Tiger Lily those are some lame excuses. Or how about the meanest one of all....."BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE YOU". Yet they was the one to approach the person and speak of their undying love for them. Stupid jerk. That happened to a friend of mine and he was never the same.


As for the people who "Cannot tell when they are flirting!", you are in for some shock later on in life. If I have to explain why, then God help the human race.

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Nothing wrong with enjoying ths company of guys and having fun with them. You are at that age when that's wht most girls do. But it all depends on HOW you flirt with guys and which ones you flirt with. But it is just that I have heard my girlfriend say the same thing (and she was nice enough to warn me) and I heard many other girls say it but no guys. I just don't see how someone cannot notice their audience's expression or how the flirter cannot tell when they say something amazing (like: YOU'RE SO SEXY) or when they touch their audience in a pleasurable. It is just a lame excuse to me, don't mean to be so harsh. But you are young it is perfectly okay to have some fun. But it depends on how and who you flirt with that determines if you are in the wrong or not. And don't worry, if you don't realize your actions soon, you'll hate men in the future....(that's for ALL the non-realizing flirts)


Now I don't want to go too far off the subject so I am thinking of another lame excuse......and here it is: "He/she's so cute you can't help but mess around with him/her!" If they really loved their partner, they could resist. I have bumped into plenty of beautiful girls while with my gf and have not even said anything to them. thereforeeee, that is a horrible excuse....and sadly, very common.

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  • 1 month later...

heres a good one...


"it was just a drunken snog. I didnt even really like him and I wasnt looking for anything with him. I was drunk and at a party and he jumped on me and and I didnt realise what was happening until it was too late. The next day when I woke up with my hangover (and him probably lol) I felt really angry with myself. I'm not planning lots of drunken snogs, there's no way, but I want to explain why that one happened."


Three weeks later, same story, with a different guy.

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Yeah but I just broken up with my gf about a month ago and I got the most popular, worst, and easiest excuse of all....."I'M NOT READY FOR A RELATIONSHIP". Oddly enough she did not break up with any of her other bf for that reason and as much as she complained about not having a bf you'd think she wouldn't throw me away so easily as if I was some expendible thing. But she did! smile) Everything she ever said about not leaving me and staying together no matter what was all a charade. Though she did love me, I would have been better off if she had told me from the beginning that she wasn't ready for committment. Why drag me along for a while and THEN say it???? I wish I knew and quite frankly I am sick of the stuff these girls put me through.

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To TMA68,


I think there are a lot of nice gals looking for nice guys but for some reason you are choosing the wrong girls.


Usually, serious women are more reserved and less flirtatious, probably less approachable too. A serious woman wants to get to know a person before getting too involved. If you want passion right away, you'll end up with the wrong kind of woman.


The best strategy is to choose a woman who is not on the flirtatious side but reserved and establish a friendship first. If you can't be good friends, how can you be in a relationship? Don't expect sex too early.


Women know that they can manipulate men with sex big time. A woman who jumps on you right away, may be doing that with other guys too. A woman who is more picky, will probably be far more stable once in a relationship.


Good luck!

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That is well spoken...I totally agree. But there is one thing.....there are girls who are awesome actresses. They can act like any type of person, even the type you just described. I seen it happen. She acts as if she isn't too interested but she settles with you, some of us guys still fall for the charade, and if they get whatever they want, they use us more or dispose of us. Now....for another stupid cheating excuse.....


"I'm a flirt, it's what I do so deal with it".


Talk about heartless.

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Before my husband and I got married, we made a vow that we would never break- and that was to NEVER cheat or make silly excuses. Although there are things about my relationship which are significantly less than perfect, that is one area that I am confident with. It is important to have that trust or things will never work.

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  • 1 month later...

"I never cheated on you, I was just seeing what is out there."


Listen, all you got to do is LOOK. Isn't that what seeing is??? NOT kissing, NOT touching, and certainly NOT making me feel like sewer scum. Heck, why are you even wasting your time with me?


That is similiar to what I would say. I mean really COME ON NOW!!!

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"You're beautiful, smart, etc. you're PERFECT, you deserve better anyway"


NO you beast, I LOVED you it wasn't about deserving anything, it was about love and you crushed my heart.


"You want marriage and children and you want it on your timeline, I don't know when I'll be ready for that"


Damn it, no...there IS no timeline, I'm just happy to have found someone who I THOUGHT I could have that with and now you've ruined it and made me hurt like I never have.


"Our relationship just went so fast and got serious too soon and I didn't expect it"


Um, no...we were in this together from day one you monster, it takes two, and what did you expect being in a relationship for a year? It's only NATURAL that we get more serious with time.


AND AFTER all this I got:

"But I don't want to lose you, let's just take a break"


What, like you haven't destroyed my trust and love enough?

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Outlaw, actually those lines were from the same guy. It's been a little over one month since I confronted him about his infidelities. Although "HE" had never taken anything to a physical level, i felt that the intent was there and that is cheating. He still hasn't admitted to having cheated, or really having done anything along. Amazing. Unbelievable actually. But I mean him SO much and because i loved him it's still very hard to go a day without thinking about him as I tucky mysel in for the night.


I think cheaters think that these "lines" are actually backhanded compliments. There just more daggers to my already fragile heart. Cheating hurts a lot more than one person.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always dig "I didn't plan it" or "I didn't mean to hurt you" cause apparently thats supposed to make you feel better.


Oh, well it was an accident then...forget it! No harm, no foul.


If I ever cause a car crash and used that as my defense, I'm fairly certain I'll still do time.

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Before everyone classifies us cheaters as the Scum of the earth, I think it's important to realize how the world works and how not everything is black and white.


When I was 15 years old, I thought I would get married, have kids and live happily ever after.....Unfortunately I found out life is not like that!


Now I know that i'm going to get some flack from this post, but EVERYONE has it in them to be a cheater. Put that person in the right circumstances with the right person and it CAN Happen!


Never say Never!

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Yes Mike, everyone has it in them to cheat and there will be many circumstances that will test you in life. However, there is a thing called self-control and respect for the person you are with. If someone can't demonstrate those two qualities, then don't be in a relationship.


Also, I find it fascinating that when people cheat, they'll rationalize it. But if they're ever cheated on, it's a whole other story! I hope every cheater gets to feel what it's like to be on the other side of the fence.

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I've never been cheated on before (as far as I know anyway, knowing my ex anything's a possibility... but I frequent the infidelity forum and a pathetic excuse is definitely "I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing..."

Well guess what moron, who's the one who drank so much in the first place? Lemme guess, someone FORCED you to drink...

Ugh, one of my best friend just broke up with her boyfriend because he made out with some girl while under the influence of alcohol, and let me tell you, knowing the person was drunk doesn't make you feel any better. Cheating is cheating.


As for the girl's going for the typical "bad" guys, I don't know what it is. I stayed with my ex boyfriend for almost 2 years and he treated me like crap as well, yet I always went running back, even though according to him I was "easily replacable." Argh, sometimes I wish I was born a lesbian....

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But there is one thing.....there are girls who are awesome actresses. They can act like any type of person, even the type you just described. I seen it happen. She acts as if she isn't too interested but she settles with you, some of us guys still fall for the charade, and if they get whatever they want, they use us more or dispose of us.


I agree, I got cheated on and dumped by this sort oif girl while I was lying in hospital awaiting surgery......her excuse when I found out and confronted her you ask?


"I don't see the big deal....it's not like he an STD or anything"


OK...A) That's not the bloody point, B) It was TWO guys, complete strangers, no protection....how the hell do you know what they had???? Not that it matters.


The kick in the balls was after a back car seat sex session with 2 complete strangers, she got pregnant and tried to tell me it was mine.....yeah, like I'm THAT dumb

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are a few I thought of.


"It just happened, you know I just wanted someone to be there for me, I didn't care who." Oh really you just fell on his naked dong because you were also naked and the parts just clicked. (happened to me)


"I was drunk living in the moment." Alcohol impairs judgement. No driving, operating heavy machinary. but keeping your pants on, a decision that can be made easily if intoxicated.


"I wanted to feel pretty again." acting like a s!ut would make me feel very beautiful too!! (hence the sarcasm)(happened to me)


The worst one ever "It was just sex, nothing more." - Maybe to the cheater, but to the cheatee there was a lot more

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  • 1 year later...

Most popular excuse by the cheater, here goes: Oh, he/she meant nothing really, I still lover you, pleeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeee don't go, I'm sorry, blah, blah....


Pathetic, at the end he/she still did it, it's nothing but excuse, which serve as sugar-coaters for your poor behavior.

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