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im beginning to think about him mre than usual. i thought i was fine and now it is obvious that im not. im thinking about this no contact thing...is it really helping or is it just relieving him....

but if we are meant to be, we will. right?

hope he calls or text soon...

sure do miss him

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if thats how you are spending your NC period you are just wasting your time.


I agree with this. You need to focus elsewhere, not on the hopes he will contact you. NC is meant as a buffer to distance yourself from the break up and to begin the process of getting over/healing.

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Initially, when I went NC, I had the same feelings as you. I hoped that my ex would miss me and call. I hoped that he would realize how much he missed me and come running back. He did text me after a week, but I never responded.


I haven't talked to him in almost three weeks now. I broke NC last night by texting him. I broke NC intentionally to show myself that he doesn't care anymore and he has moved on. Just as I expected, he hasn't texted me back.


The funny part? I don't feel sad at all. I'm going NC again and this time, it's for me. I don't want him to call me. I don't want him to contact me ever again. I'm done with him.


NC isn't going to bring your ex back. It's a tool to help you forget about him and move on, so use it the right way.

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The EX coming back is just a sometime by product of NC. Its not a magic guarantee. Take the time to move on. Find a new hobby, work out, hook up with old friends. Dont sit and tick off the days on the calendar thinking you will get that phone call on day 31. Thats just delaying the healing.

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It all depends on the situation. Some ex's truly do need space and time to miss you. To think about the break-up. Others have already made there decision to move on long before they broke up, so they will never be coming back.


All you can do is go NC for yourself. Work on healing you, and being happy. So then if he calls you will be in a better place, and if he doesn't you will be fine.


We will *all* make it through our break-ups and loss of our first loves, long-term loves, true loves or just someone we thought was the one for us. We just have to be and stay strong.

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