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please tell me what you think.


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Hey everyone. It's been a while.


I'm in need of honest opinions here. First though, a little background info:


H opened his mouth when he shouldn't have and got his jaw broke about 6 wks ago. 2 wks after this, we split up for two wks. Then reconciled. I was VERY hestitant to get back together with him because our whole rel. has been rocky. But i did anyway mainly because of our baby. And i still love him...


Well on my way to pick him up in the city after his surgery for the jaw, our car that we have 4 payments left on, broke down. Blew a piston i believe. We were planning on a second vehicle after this one was paid. So we started talking about what kind.


I REALLY wanted an SUV. Thought a new Ford Escape would be smart choice. He would have NO PART of it. He wanted another 4 door car. I thought there was no point for that. WHY get 2 4door cars? I hate 4 doors. Then he wanted to get some old beat up cadillac. Nu uh.


When we broke up, I continued to look for a car, decided that an SUV would be too expensive while making two car payments on my own. So i decided to get what i've always wanted. A brand new 09 Cobalt Coupe LT.... While we were broken up.


If u are curious about the finances... He clears around 1800 a month. He gives me $800 a month for bills. I clear a total of $3440 plus what he gives me for bills. Our credit is shot, and my Dad is cosigning for me. So, he doesn't have anything to do with his new car.


We are back together, I'm due to go down to the city to pick up this new car tomorrow, i have the bill of sale... But I KNOW he'll NEVER EVER let me live this down....


What should i do? Was it stupid of me to get a 2 door whilst having kids? We'd all fit... and i'm borrowing a 2 door now, it's not hard getting baby in and out. It's DEFINITLY not like he'd have to take her in and out..


We have a motor lined up for our 2nd car already, so he'll have that still...


Should I go down to the city tomorrow to get out of this deal? Should I go through with it? ~ Bottom line is, is that we will NEVER agree on a vehicle, and if i end up giving in to him i'll end up resenting him. But he will be mad at me forever if i buy this car... Dont know what to do!

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I wanted to add, that he's pissed at me for getting a new car period. He wants to "borrow" a car until september until the broken one is paid.


He's all mad because we were supposed to be saving to fly accross the country to see his family this summer. Any hopes of that flew out the window when our motor went. Regardless of whether we fixed it or got a new car early. I tried to convince him (before we broke up) that if we got a new V then we could drive down. (I'd much rather drive, i've never been out of the province) I proved it would be WAY cheaper than flying and he wouldn't have any part of that either.


It has to be his way or nothing. I'm tired of it.

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What are your options here? Buy what he wants?


He doesn't want me to buy anything. He wants to borrow someones beat up car and WAIT to until September to fix our old one. All so i can save up for, and go on a trip that i don't want to go on.


With out me, he won't ever be able to save for the trip,. I think that is what the whole deal is. Before, he told me, "After the sunfire is paid, you can get your Cobalt"


NOW it's the stupidest move ever to him and i'll never be able to live it down.


There is no way that i'm going to get an old Cadillac with no warranty that is liable to break down at any time. We already have 1 car to worry about fixing. Arg, i'm frustrated.

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He won't let you live it down because why? It's a 2 door? WHO CARES? Honestly is he that immature? Buy whatever car you want if you are paying for it. Just tell him it's none of his business and you weren't even together when you picked it out and that type of car was the best at this time finance-wise.

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He won't let you live it down because why? It's a 2 door? WHO CARES? Honestly is he that immature? Buy whatever car you want if you are paying for it. Just tell him it's none of his business and you weren't even together when you picked it out and that type of car was the best at this time finance-wise.


I tried that. I told him that i bought it while we were broken up and that it was smarter on my pocket book being that i had to pay for everything. He still told me that i made a stupid mistake.


I think that its the trip this summer. That is why he doesn't want me to buy a car.


He also wants say in how i spend all my extra $. I don't have any say in what he does with his extra $1000 a month.... that $ is his. Shouldn't mine be mine? Especially if i am taking care of alot more finances than him? He say what is left of my $ is OURS becaus i make more than himm.

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I tried that. I told him that i bought it while we were broken up and that it was smarter on my pocket book being that i had to pay for everything. He still told me that i made a stupid mistake.


I think that its the trip this summer. That is why he doesn't want me to buy a car.


He also wants say in how i spend all my extra $. I don't have any say in what he does with his extra $1000 a month.... that $ is his. Shouldn't mine be mine? Especially if i am taking care of alot more finances than him? He say what is left of my $ is OURS becaus i make more than himm.


You're not married...he has no right to tell you what to do with your money.

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You're not married...he has no right to tell you what to do with your money.


We are common law, and i'm going to have to live with his guilt trips if i go through with it.


BUT, if i give in and let him have his way, then the process will never end.


It's funny that he's trying this on me now. He begged for me back and he screwed up royally. He promised he'd spend his life making things up to me, and now this... a week later?


NO.... I'm buying my car!


Yes, i think i'll do it. I'll go ahead and get the plates today... and if i CAN get out of it, the only thing i'll be doing is maybe considering an SUV from the same dealership

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