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a couple of poems ... please tell me what you think


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dont face me

degrade me

turn away


....coz i hate me


cant stand the way i act

cant stand the lies

cant understand the lows

cant control the highs


dont understand my reason

dont understand my mind

like a field full of butterflies

grey is hard to find


watch you scratch your head

watch your mind race

dont look at me

i know im out of place


dont face me

degrade me

turn away


.... coz i hate me




(this one is obviously a joke between me and one of my friends)



I stand outside your window, shivering in the cold

I watch you rub your hands, the ones i long to hold

i see your lips moving, you must be on the phone

I watch you laugh and smile ... and i await for you to change your tone

I dont want you to talk to her, or acknowledge her existence

You want someone like me, who has proven to be persistent

I watch you get up, and i see you turn on your light

You look so mad "where are you bitch" .... like you want to fight

You see me by the window, and look at me like im a freak

Do you know i love you? Do you see the tear on my cheek?

but this is how i see you, from a stalkers point of view

all i secretly wanted to do ..... is watch you







force of habit

unusual life

keep score on your arm

with a knife

each cut marks misery

anger or pain

cuts turn to scars

visable like a stain

my life is now a story

carved in my arm

until the day that i succeed

i will continue to cause this harm




Thats all from me for now ... feedback would be really nice





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Have you heard of the girl that couldn't stop washing her hands ? She felt so filthy that she was washing her hands until bleeding... Here, failure pushes the subject to an altered metal state of pesonal degradation and other forms of self punishment. This state of mind has the purpose of self-education to avoid future failure but it can also get to depression that causes chained failure.


If you fall the best thing to do is rise up, smile and try again.


How about some Power Puff Girls pinkish lyrics ?

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im sorry jabu_com but i totally disagree with you!!!!

i found them all very good and i particularly empathised with the ME poem as this is how i fell most of the time!

The stalkers one- well that was just plain funny and the other one well thats just true as well cos i do exactly th same and have been doing for some time now!

Thankyou for sharing your poetry with the forum

its great!!!

Catie xxx

p.s please write more of it!

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