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will i ever get back with my ex,if so can you help

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hey this the story of my g/f and me.which i love to death and still want to be with her.


my girlfriend and me were goin out for a year and 8 months. and a lil while ago we went on a break well weve gone on a couple but they werent really breaks cuz we still hung out and stuff. we were on a break and she came over and we had a lil fun ,so i thought things all back and we good. well one day she came over and she told me she wanted to break up cuz she didnt know what to do anymore or what could fix it. she said she was a bitch to me and i dont deserve it i desever some thing better and she needs time to think about stuff and everything. i told her i didnt want to break up cuz i loved her so much. well that didnt work and she said maybe that we be back by now.well she hasnt even thought about instead she just blocks me out and goes and hangs out with other guys and stuff. i love her so much and i thought that i didnt cuz we just goin out for a while and just assumed i did.well it turns out that not having her just made me realise how much i do love her! and i want her back so much. i miss her so much and im goin crazy. the thought of her being with somone else or hooking up with someone else makes me want to die. I still call her and stuff and she knows how much i love her and want her back. i know i shouldnt call her so much cuz she probably got annoyed but i just scared she like it better with out me cuz she does look happier without. she also likes this guy named nick which is a druggy and a skid and stuff. she says she likes him cuz it reminds her of her good friend kyle,which isnt fair at all cuz i can never be like him. i was even goin to fight him at one point but i decided to be the better man even cuz i wanted to show my girlfriend i better then him.even though i could kick the out of him. im just scared that she just wants to be a skank or somethin and just do one night stands and stuff.she says not like that and wouldnt do it but i afraid thats what she wants. cuz she said she doesnt want comitted to someone right now. i even thinkin of movin away cuz i dont want to be there to see her with someone else to hear about her hookin up with somone else cuz that kills me to even think about it.i know i stupid and callin her so much cuz it probably just shows i annoying or something.she says she doesnt understand how i love her cuz she a bitch to me. and she says things change and that i havent given her time to miss me cuz i not given her space or something.but now it spring break and i have nothing to do and all what i do is sitt there and think about her.it just so hard to just be friends with someone that u love to death and cant stand to not be able to hold her anymore or to kiss her. i would do anything in the world to have her back. and i was just wondering if someone could give me some advice on how i can get her to come back to me or something. or to know if there even is a chance.

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i think what you really need to do at this stage is just leave her alone and give her some time and space. we have all been told soo many times to just break the contact, and make them miss you. And the fact is, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. But think about it, not contacting her is really the only way you are going to make her miss you and want you back. I know its a really difficult thing to do because ive been there. But giving her the space she needs, also gives you some time to deal with your emotions a little better. Take a step back and wait for her to contact you. if u guys chat on the internet then u should stop that cause that makes things harder as well. Think about it this way: you keep calling her hoping that shes going to say something that gives you a little hope, but she doesnt, and so u just end up hurting yourself. It gets easier over time. the first few days i think are the hardest, but you make it through and life does start to get better after awhile. just wait and see

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yeh i know it just that she tells me she loves me and all this stuff. but i just call her and talk to her like a friend so i can get used to the fact we just buddies and stuff. i dunno im not callin her and stuff and ever time the phone rings i like prayin it her. even my mom runs to the phone,lol. and for some reason i just keep thinkin she show up at the door wanting me back but i dont think that is goin to happen. i even did the whole show up at the door with flowers but that was like 3 days after we broke up, i should have waited longer but im impactient one. i just weirde cuz i even miss her family and stuff like her mom was amazing. and my ex said it kinda weirde cuz her family like misses me more then she does or soemthin. i dunno. i try so hard to get over her but in a way i dont want to cuz she was such a huge part in my life. like before i met her i was a wreck i was like thinken of suicide and everthing but she made me not but now that she gone and im scared cuz some days i feel like that again. ive gone to councling but the just dont understand all what the say is you have to get over her and stuff. but i cant,lol i love her to much. it almost like i love her and she doesnt love me back. she said things change sometimes and she loves me she just doesnt want to be with me right now or somethin.she alos sames that she not sad because maybe it hasnt hit her yet. and that crushes me like i thought we spend the rest of our lifes together because i liked this girl so much. like ive tried tons of things to get my mind off of her. ive been lifting weights like a mo fo. im 16 i weight 160 and i can bench 215. actrually i fn lost ten pounds the last lil while cuz i like couldnt eat i so depressed. it funny though i thought that when you depressed u it alot i guess in my case it different though. im just scared like i be sittin her waiting when she off with other people. or i just go out with someone to make her jelous and end up hurting someone like she hurt me.

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ok well if she is telling u that she still loves u then thats a good sign. but again, if u dont make her miss you, she is also going to think that u will hang around forever and wait for her. As far as hoping its her every time the phone rings, i know exactly what that is like. i used to sit by my mobile and like check it every 10 minutes to see if id missed something. It is really hard. its good that u are at least trying to get over her. When i was going through my breakup, i read the article on how to get them back, which goes through the no contact rules. there is a valid point there in that by maintaining a friendship with her, u are essentially playing the friend role, and helping her to get over you- while u are still wanting her back as more than that. it is wrong to put yourself in that position and continue to hurt yourself like that. Trust me, ive been there, and so have sooo many other people on this website. we all think that we will never get over them, but the fact is you do - maybe not quickly, but it will start to happen gradually. Have you read the article on how to get them back?? i think its great advice. when you were together with her, how did she treat you?? you may love someone, and never want to live without them, but do u deserve to be treated better than the way they treated you?? You mentioned that you dont think the breakup has hit her yet...well you are probably spot on with that, how can it hit her when you are not giving her a chance to miss your company? The best thing you can do to take your mind off her is to go out and spend time with your friends. that might sound really simple, but its not. You have to really push yourself to do it, cause it may hurt so much to sit at home and dwell on it, but in a way you kinda feel better for doing that. going out and doing things prevents you from focusing on the pain so much. I dont agree with the going out with someone else to make them jealous, because i think that meddles with other peoples feelings. however i believe it had worked for some people. so again, no contact. wait till she calls you, and then make sure you give her the impression that you are getting on with your life. With the losing weight thing, everyone has different ways of dealing with stress, some eat more, some eat less. at least you are finding some way of releasing your stress by doing weights.

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its just that god damnit all what i do is worry about her gettin tanked and hooking up with someone and im goin crazy. like honestly the thought of her bein with someone else or hookin up with someone makes me want to die. and it hard to go and and do things cuz shes friends with all my friends and stuff so i like cant go and hang out with them cuz she is there. and she says she wont like hook up with someone but i know what she like when she drunk and f im not sopuse to be worryin about her but thats all what i do. i havent talked about me missin her and stuff for awhile and how i want to get back with her and stuff. but . and everyones just like theres no hope for u gettin back and stuff just move on. but god damnit i only want to be with her and stuff. they like maybe she just goin threw a stage and i should just sit back and watch. but f. i dont want to sit back and watch it hurt me to much.

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