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ok well I met this guy Brad a few months ago we went out off and on. I really liked him alot. Well I broke up with him alot becuz we has trust issues. Well after I broke up with him the 5th time he wants to just stay friends, I was sad I did everything I did but friemds was ok I guess. Let me just say im not that type of girl who can break up with a guy and become friends becuz after I want them I will always want them and being friends is hard on me. Well I kept dropping hints on him that I still wanted him and he I guess was playin with my mind and sayin he wanted me too and we acted like bf and gf. I mean we did everything like we were again. Well he was going away to North Carolina for a week and I missed him. He told me when he got back maybe we could start over and become bf and gf again. I got all my hopes up and I was so happy. When he got back I had my friend talk to him and he said he was over me. I was so pisted off so I wrote to him that I hated him and how could he do this to me. And u know what he said...He said good I dontcare!!! We got into such a big fight and nuttin been the same since. I mean I talked to him maybe 3 times in 5 months and it always ended up hating each other again its just plain stupid why we cant be friends. I liked him alot not I seeeee he may be with another girl and im so jealous. I keep tellin myself im not brads girl anymore get over it. But I miss him...

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Well, sorry to say it, but when you break up with a guy THAT many times, your going to have to give him some room. That takes alot out of a guy, being broken up with so much. Maybe you 2 are just too volatile to be together. There will be others.


Sorry I couldn't be more optimistic for ya. Best of luck.

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