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sigh...man ive got a stituation im not able to solve...ive had this girl for about 4 years now and she recently cheated on me with her bestfriend who is some rich guy... you know what pisses me off the most is that ive done nothing wrong...ive never raised my voice at her during all of the times that i was with her...given her everything...is that the problem?...can i get some of you girls to help me out here as well?...thank you loads...it hurts me knowing this cause she wasnt even there for my birthday...gawd it hurts cause ive resisted many girls before...and now she is out with him after 1 week of breaking up...i need your help cause it hurts knowing that she is already in another relationship in less than a week... man if you were in my position you would know how it would feel...and now she wants to get close to me again so should i trust her or just leave it as it is...the only damn problem is is that she doesnt have any girlfriends...all of her friends are guys...sometimes you just get so confused that it hurts so bad...i wish i hadnt met her...it made me change my perspective on girls as a whole...i thought she was all that there is out there but obviously she screwed me up the most...please guys...i cant handle this ..sometimes when you love someone do much you are willing to give in to the slightest opportunity that comes to you...but i dont wanna commit the same mistake again..pls help

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Well, you probably wont do it, but I suggest no matter how much you love her you be strong enough to tell her to get lost, shes cheated on you man... think about it... keep some pride.


Get out there and have some fun, there are loads of girls out there, you dont have to commit to them just have a good time for a while.


Dont let her back in, cut yourself off from her and meet other people, its the only way you'll get over it.


Good luck.

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One week. Hm. Cheated on you. Hm. Yeah, she wasn't worth it and isn't worth taking your life. I've considered suicide for a number of things, but never over someone who it was mostly never meant to be. Here's my advice, stay in for a few nights or until you feel ready enough to hit the market BUT don't take a rebound girl, that's not fair to her. Instead, play the market easy, get a few new friends, even ask a buddy or two to help you with this girl issue.


And most of all, be yourself with the new girls you'll meet. Don't play on pity. "My girlfriend of four years cheated on me and we broke up." Make yourself happy and make new friends!

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Cheating is all about selfishness, in my opinion. Your girlfriend of 4 years cheated on you! She wasn't thinking about you when she cheated, she was thinking about herself! 4 years is a good long time to be with someone. How was the relationship before she cheated? Were you both having problems? I assume so only because if things were going good, then why would she be looking eleswhere? Was there a need that wasn't being fulfilled?


Now you say that she wants you back? Is she done with this rich guy? Will she ever see him again?


I know these are a lot of questions, but you need to determine if she's worth it. If you could ever trust her again not to cheat. Only you can make this decision, not anyone eles. If you do take her back, she'd better be on good behavior for a long while. She'd better prove to you over and over again that it was a BIG mistake and that you're the one she wants.

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hey i really appreciate you helping me out...thanks people...you dont know how much this means to me....hope all of you will find the right one one day...its gonna be sometime till i get over it but now i know that i can..thanks to all of you...take care alrights?...god bless

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hey...i know what your dealing with. and its really really hard. and i know a bumnch of people tell you to just move on and forget her...and you feel strong during the day. but when you wake up in the morning and go to bed at night...and that other person isn't there...its really really hard. i boyfriend just went nuts on me this week. and i went to go apologize for my "attitude" (thats why he's mad at me..lol) at his work today...and he WENT NUTS! punching walls...yelling...and i've been with im for 4 years..and i'm turning 21 next month. so yeah.. its been really hard on me. and you know whats funny. i cheated on him with this amazing,hot, RICH.. guy that treated me like a princess...and my boyfriend NEVER found out...yet.. even by cheating on him..with an amazing guy. i still wanted my puny, cheap b/f. sometimes it takes the person to be with someone else...to realize what their missing. so right now she's probably seeing all the "good" sides of this guy. but wait till she starts missing YOU. theres this saying.....*MiSSiN' mE wOn'T bE tHe HaRdEsT pArT...iT's KnOwiN' u OnCe HaD mE aNd LeT mE gO tHaT WiLL bReAk YoUr HeArT* ...º and that is sooo true. right now i'm gonna tell you what everyone is telling me. BE SELFISH!! let her miss you!! and reaallllyyyy let her miss you. don't call her, write her emails....i know your reading thinking that its impossible...b/c as much as i want to pick up that phone and call my "b/f"...i'm gonna really let him miss me...REALLY! i'm not calling..nor writing.. m ake her wonder what your doing. so.. my advice is to not talk to her for a couple weeks....make her miss you and think about only YOU when she's with him. b/c if she can both you guys then she's happy...but ou have to give her an altermative...make her miss you!! go out with your friends.. go doing sonething you like to do...i consider you not going to bars...or clubs.. b/c alcohol makes you think too much and you start getting depressed...but go out...buy yourself stuff..workout...be selfish!! b/c thats whats really gonn adrive her crazy and want you back...and only you! and maybe by that time.. you'll meet someone else...or you would rather be on your own. as we speak thats exactly what i'm doing...and i'm pretty good right now...b/c i havent made myself cried...and just been thinking about how to make myslef feel better...so take my advice and make her miss you!! trust me..

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thanks xomsxo... yea i am doing that right now..i never realised something till you highlighted the alcohol factor...ive been on liquor for about 4 months now practically being drunk and more depressed each day...i think that is where my problem lie..thanks for making me realise this....its hard though to stop but yea its for the better right?...=)..


wish you the best in everything..its amazing how people that you dont even know help you...now i know that there are people who care and that is really important for me now...thank you so much to all of you...God bless

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