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i recently broke up with my girlfriend, because she was jealous of me being friends with a flirty friend of hers. so her flirty friend is irrelavant., but they both share between them a best friend. a third gal. I went out with "girl A" she broke up because of "girl B". "girl a" and "girlf b" are both really good friend with "girl c". i like "girl c". I seem to have found myself liking her recently. she's semi-flirty with other guys, but it shouldn't be anything i can't get over. i just wanna know what i'm getting into

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I agree bro...you're setting yourself up for a very bad and nasty situation. No offense ladies, but you aren't exactly the easiest people to deal with sometimes...and you are even worse to each other from what I've seen. When it comes to love...friendships tend to suffer occasionally. Especially regarding the ex. Sometimes friendships are strong enough to withstand the trials of love coming between them, and those friendships are amazing. I don't know their friendship, but from a quick outside look, if girl a already got jealous of girl b and there was nothing happening...getting together with girl c is going to be a living nightmare in my opinion...best of luck...and like Michael said...pack some benadryl, because you're gonna get stung boss...

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