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I finally told him I was done....

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I was a bit emotional this evening. completely unprovoked and recieved a bill from my cell phone provider. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I put the best friend on my cell phone plan in Valentine's of 2008 (when things were going great and before he moved out of state, but its a two year contract). Anyway, he ran up the bill with internet charges and I texted him and told him that browsing the internet on his cell phone wasn't cheap. He responded with an apology and an offer to send money, which I turned down. He'd never send it anyway. He then went on talking about his day, etc. He was unaware of my emotional state at the time and was teasing me, etc. During the conversation, he said "You're obviously not in any mood for cheer" and I said "I apologize for my current emotional state. I will talk to you later when I'm happy". Now, had he been a true friend and cared about why I might have been sad, he would of asked, right? He did not. Instead, he said something completely random and sarcastic and I said "Seriously...think about what you say sometimes". I mean, I had already explained that I was emotional tonight. His response..."Whatever".

I guess that was all I needed....I replied with "I'm done with this. I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of putting up an effort. I'm done missing you and wanting to see you and hear from you. I'm falling apart over here and you don't give a *uck. I'm done. I can't do it anymore."

And that was all she wrote.

He did not respond.




I feel stupid.

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I tended to beat myself up over not being completely logical in my assessment of the mixed messages and feel stupid too. The fact is that I genuinely cared while he was just in it for himself. It's a tough lesson to learn and accept, I assure you that you are not stupid, just a genuine caring person.

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