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Did I just mess up?


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Okay so I just started to talk to a friend of mine who happens to be a mutual friend of my ex. and he asked about us and I said she broke up with me.


Then I gave him the details of what happened and what I was trying to do. I told him I had problems I needed to fix and that I need time to heal. Overall just becoming a better man and get myself back on my two feet.


Now after I told him EVERYTHING I realised that hes a mutual friend to my ex and they talk about everything with each other.


I don't know if he'll spill the beans and what that means for me. I didn't sound like I was desperate or anything. I did tell him I was trying to move on and that I was doing the NC healing process but didn't say I was doing NC just everything that comes with NC.


I do at one point want to try to get a second try with my ex but I don't want to till I improve myself and get to the point where I'll be fine if she rejects me.


Its starting to bother me about what he'll say. I know hes a good guy and wouldn't spill the beans about anything important , if anything at all, I really hope he doesn't anyways. Its starting to bothers me >_>


I can't tell him to not saying anything anymore because hes gone out and he plans to ask her about us sooner or later.

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Well I don't think you messed up but if he does go and tell her then at least she knows where you stand and might actually like to hear that you are taking care of your self and all that good jazz. Time will tell


I feel you though because I as well would like another shot at my ex but it is really to early to tell.


Good luck!!



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