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Fantasies: Is It Okay?

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ummm. this is a little embarressing but, I'm a girl and I'm 17 and I always seem to be thinking about sex. Is this normal? I keep thinking that because I'm a girl I shouldnt be thinking about it THIS much. I'm starting to feel guilty about it. Am I weird? Or what? Oh ya, plus sometimes i think about weird things too. like...fantasies of control or whatever. I mean not rape, but like...the guy is dominant you know? Is that weird too?

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Of course its ok sweetheart!! You are only 17, you have loads of hormones racing through you at the moment so dont be alarmed if you think you are thinking about it a little much. It will continue into adulthood too,but no there is nothing wrong with it,it shows you are healthy and growing up!


The control fantasy is quite common so i dont think that is anything to worry about either,some people just like the whole dominance thing


Your not weird sweet you have nothing to worry about xx

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Nothing weird about it girlfriend. Don't feel weird or guilty about it. I bet you almost all of your friends are thinking the same things. If you were to ask them, they might not admit it because they are feeling the same way as you are.


Don't beat yourself up over it.

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It's a harmless way to experience all the different sexual pleasures with all the different lovers in all the varied positions & settings without worrying about a pregnacy or STD. I bet you have no idea of how many guys have undressed you with their eyes & fantasized about making love to you.

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