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What goes around, comes arond?


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This is a phrase I truly believe in. In one word it's Karma. If you sit back and look at things that happened in the past, such as someone cheating on you, abusing you or even picking on you, at some point those people get back what they've done.


It doesn't have to be right after but at some point in their own lives, they hit a point where the same wrong doing they did will happen to them or even they come to a point they regret and it haunts them.


I'm not sure if you're looking for personal examples but thought I would put my general view out there.

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Well, I don't know. I think there are times people just plain get away with bad behavior, get windfalls, and never actually come to regret it nor be held accountable for their mistakes.


BUT, the phrase is still useful. lol. Personally, I used to get hung-up a lot on getting angry when things seemed to me to be unjust or someone did something that was hurtful to me/others - now, that phrase helps me put the anger to the side so that I have a chance not to dwell on it.


So, even if it isn't true 100% of the time (don't know whether it is or isn't) - it's still a useful concept for me to have around.


It sure can save a lot of the useless, health draining ruminating with wanting to square up personally or seek revenge or being angry or those other types of not-very-effective-nor-good-for-a-person ways to deal with other people's bad behavior.

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It is a bunch of baloney. People who cause harm do not get harmed in return because of what they did to a different person. There are many occasion where he or she walks away just the way they were without anything happening.


The only reason they may get what they dished out is because they continue their bad behavior, which in the end has a greater change to bite them in the ass if they keep it up. People generally believe it to make them feel a little better about their situation, like a coping mechanism.

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It's something that people say to make themselves feel better, but I don't believe in it. Good and bad things happen to good and bad people. It's chance. Wait long enough and something bad (but maybe not bad enough) will happen to the people you think "deserve" it. It's all about perspective. Doesn't mean I don't wish for karma, but I get more satisfaction out of thinking good things will happen to me ('cause things had better pick up after that hell of a break up!) than bad things to my ex.

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Karma does happen. Just witnessed it.... someone who cost me my job just lost his own in an identical manner 3 years later. Eery, actually, how close the situation is, and how his exact words reacting to it were the same as mine. I was so floored by the situation, I actually cried.

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It's something that people say to make themselves feel better, but I don't believe in it. Good and bad things happen to good and bad people. It's chance. Wait long enough and something bad (but maybe not bad enough) will happen to the people you think "deserve" it. It's all about perspective. Doesn't mean I don't wish for karma, but I get more satisfaction out of thinking good things will happen to me ('cause things had better pick up after that hell of a break up!) than bad things to my ex.


yep. exactly.

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I believe in karma. I think someone said this in the first few posts -- but when someone hurts me, or someone I love and I feel it's unjust I like to believe that what goes around comes around, they'll get theirs. It makes me feel better about bad situations.

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I believe it....you see it everywhere. One girl knocked me back because I wanted a relationship and she wanted to be 'FWB' (*sigh*), not my cup of tea. She was so annoyed that I rejected her that she became callous in her behaviour and the things she said, in an email that was blatantly written to cause trouble.


She also went with two other guys.


I find now, 2 years later, that a guy rejected her on the same premises (role reversal) and she is all broken, feeling sorry for herself and wanting to find an husband. I went out on the other hand, did find a nice girlfriend, lost weight and basically made myself a better person after that experience.


Serves her right.

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Yes, but if something bad happened to you, you wouldn't want to say, "I deserved it." Would you?


It obviously depends on the situation, but I'm the first to man up and admit when I've done something that deserved X happening to me in return. It's a case of accepting that your actions caused a reaction.


But to make it crystal clear - I'm not talking about say, being involved in a car accident, cheated on when you haven't cheated etc


All in all though, nah, I don't buy it. Things happen. Sometimes there are similarities between them which appear strange but on the whole, I think it's just a comfort for those in pain.

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Yes, but if something bad happened to you, you wouldn't want to say, "I deserved it." Would you?



It's not really like this, though. If something negative happens, it doesn't necessarily mean it was deserved or that the person did something bad in the first place. You can still believe that 'what goes around comes around' sort of with moderation lol...in that it doesn't at all account for every negative thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tried in the past to take solace in the fact that karma balances the scales. That my good deeds will return to me or that my bad deeds weren't so bad in light of what I did to hurt another. Sadly for me, I think Karma as more of a punishment to oneself than a way to feel redeemed by a hurt. I do believe in Karma, and that's exactly what I'm afraid of.


I really hurt someone. I am, I guess, one of those guys who so many ENA threads speak about...the evil ex. For a long time I felt I was doing the right thing, if doing it in all the wrong ways. The details are unimportant for my point. There are moments I try to justify my actions, or at least explain them if I can't excuse them. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. But what really happens, is that there are moments things are going terrific and I realize I don't deserve it. I don't deserve to be happy because I made someone hurt. And in the moments when I do get hurt, and hurt incredibly badly and repeatedly, I say "it's not enough hurt for what I deserve." And then I'm filled with dread. Dread that I got off too easily. Dread that the fates will have their way with me again and this time make things even. I hurt her at a stressful time, and then I was hurt at a stressful time. There are moments my eyes just well up and I want call her and to start bawling and say "You were right, please see me being punished and please ask the fates to forgive me." I don't, because well, I don't really deserve her to see me in pain and for what it's worth...when karma acts it, it's a very personal thing. Karma is between yourself and your actions and it is something that will find you even if no one else ever knows it happens.


I guess I'm saying Karma's a * * * * * ...and I'm stuck with her.

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