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Hmm........this is a tough one........8th grade translates into roughly 12-13 y.o., and 11th grade is about 16-17 y.o..........I think you might want to re-think this one......


Only because she is SO young. She's barely hit puberty, and you're nearly what's considered adult. I would seriously look for someone closer to your age to date, quite honestly. All I can see is problems down the road, i.e. her parents kicking up a HUGE fuss at your age, and you wanting more than she's possibly ready to give. Let her grow up a little first, before you go after her, my friend.....



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Quite honestly, the age still doesn't matter-she's way behind you as far as maturity goes, and just barely learning about her body. I hate to be the downer at this party, but I'd leave her alone just now. Her parents aren't likely to be happy to let her date you, losers or not, and regardless of that, YOU should care.


Look, you might not be interested in sex now, but as your feelings grow for this girl, they will intensify, it's just a fact of life. And she's not at an age where she can rationally decide if this is right for her or not. I'm not putting her or her intelligence down, merely saying that she's still very young and not wise in the ways of relationships and such yet. Hormones rage at that age, and common sense takes a back seat. And PLEASE don't think I'm saying you're going to jump into the sack together, that's NOT my intent! But we all get lustful at being with the person we're most attracted to right that second, and do things in haste that we regret later. Don't let that happen to you.


Let this girl grow up a little first. Be her friend, be her supporter-but don't engage her in a relationship right off the bat that she might not be ready for! I know you don't have tons of experience either, but the laws work a lot more in her favor if anything negative were to happen than they do in yours!



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I've dated a number of younger girls, it can be hard to date someone younger than you when it comes to being in high school especially when they are not legal yet. Maturity level may be a factor and parents persmission are a factor. You can still date and hang out with each other...just take things slwo because there are a lot of changes that can occur during high school.

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I think there is a twisty road ahead for this relationship, if its going to continue. if her parents are 'losers' i would imagine that means they dont approve of her dating you, bear that in mind and try to see it from their point of view. Its your decision, and remember everyone, guys are generally slightly behind girls when it comes to maturity, so it may well be that the two of you are at roughly the same level. Somewhere down the track though, things are going to get rough - either because of the age gap, maturity levels, your/her erm..."physical" wants, etc etc.


I'm glad that you two are happy now, and I wish you all the best. Just dont push her, be her friend and support and look after her, take it slow - she's YOUNG, and 13 year old girls dont need to be pushed, because sometimes they tend to go over the edge very easily.


- Sprkal

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm 14 and in 8th grade, the guy I like is 17 and in 11th grade, I think, as long as you do take it slow that it is ok, just make sure you don't push her to do anything and respect that she is still 3 years younger than you. Don't take advantage of her...... I really believe that it can work out for you, just as long as you go slow and treat your relationship carefully.

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