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HIS 21 N IM 14 1/2....WAT SHOULD I DO!~!~!!!?????

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OK...i met dis kid by my best friend n hes kinda hot but hes sooo sweet but i think hes pushin things rlly hard...like he tried to kiss me a few times n stuff like tat but he has a gf n hes kinda old n he asked my friend to ask me out for him but i said i dont know i rlly dont think i should go out wit him cuz of his age diff but hey age is nuttin but a # right...but one nite he was talkin bout sex n tats wat rlly scared me but its not like i havent done n e thing wit a guy i have but i rlly dont think im ready to do it wit a 21 yr old plzz sumone talk to me or help me i dont know who else to talk to

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The answer here is NO!! Statuatory rape is a law for a REASON! You should NOT be with a 21 year old!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT pursue a relationship with this man! You are too young! Enjoy your childhood, there is no need to rush into adulthood!


feel free to PM me if you want to talk.



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Listen to what the others have said.. drop him QUICK! I can't really say much about the age but really all it sounds like is he's out for is sex and sex only. Doesn't seem like He likes you too much, hell he has a gf, right? Well that should tell you somethin.. DROP HIM!!!

I'm 16 and I've learned from dating older guys, Alot of them like younger girls for one reason.. They think they are more naive and will fall for all the pity stories quicker then someone older. All they are out for is sex, and you're only 14 you don't need that!!!!


-Mythical Suicide-

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You're 14, he's 21........there is NO way a 21-year old is interested in a 14-year old unless he has something illegal up his sleeve.


Lose this guy, and fast. If he pesters you, let your parents know. There is NO reason for you to date someone that much older, and you're obviously uncomfortable with it, which I applaud you for! Your common sense is to be congratulated. There is NO reason a 21-year old should be interested in a 14 year old, especially if he has a girlfriend, no way, no how, no reason. And you'll do well to stay far away from him and let him know that he needs to keep his distance. If he continues to bother you, let the authorities know. Police are only too happy to bring in a guy for underage solicitation, and you're not at the stage where you need to be thinking of anything other than a possible date to the prom! If he threatens you, go to your parents/the police.


A man that age shouldn't be sniffing around girls your age, and your best bet is to just ignore him from here on out and let him figure out that he has to find someone his own age. If he doesn't get the hint, let him know that you're not comfortable with the age differenceand that you'd rather not speak to him anymore. Another defense is also letting an adult know what's going on, as well (I'd actually suggest this first.) Harder to do, but safer for you in the long run. Be it your parents, a counselor at school, a teacher, on of your friends' parents-let someone know just so there is NO question that this guy isn't right for you, and doesn't bother you in the future!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Get rid of him. Fast. First off, he has a girlfriend. I'm not sure about you, but most girls do notlike the cheating type. Second, he should NOT be pushing for sex with anyone that is your age. If he is a "good guy", why not find someone his own age, or stick with his own girlfriend? It's a definate plus that you feel uncomforatble with the situation. I'm sure you could do much better with someone in your own age group.

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