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he says he loves me

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i have a baby he is a week old and my boyfriend hits me

i what to leave him but i am scared because he might come looking for me

i am really scared

i don't know what to do anymore if i leave him he will comeing looking for me and his son


i don't what to go back to him


he really scares me sometimes i don't know what to do anymore

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My advice go to a womens shelter... Hopefully, there is one in your location... They are a free & safe place that you can go to, and most of all they're anyonmous... You might find their # in the yellow pages, or if not call your local operator... They will protect you from him... I know that it is scary at the moment, but you have to get yourself out of that situation NOW! Once, you get into the womens shelter, they can help you, and give you the advice you need in order to be safe...


Also, if he does hit you, or your child... Call the police immediately... Then you can press charges, and get a legal statement saying that he is not around you... Once he is arrested the judge will make him take anger management courses, which may help him, and you later on...

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I may only be 16 but it seems as if i have enough expierience to help u out..ill tell u q quick story. my bestfriends mom was with a biker dude that did every drug u think of and beat her..treated his kid that she had with him like gold tho..still u know u need to leave him..she left him by the way..her and him got back together so many times only bc she really believe he changed but he didnt..she was obese and once they broke up because he was so controllin is another reason..she lost well over 100 n she looks great now and is very happy without a man in her lifre..

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This will be hard... but you need to leave with your baby when he is not around. Maybe when he is at work. Leave all of your stuff there and go to a womens shelter once you get there contact the police. Tell them everything but do not lie. You can stay at the womens shelter until the police come. You will go to the court and everything, which may be very scary and you dont have to tell anyone about what happened. If you don't have a womens shelter near you, then wait until he is not there and go to a friends house with your baby. Some one you trust. Use their phone to call. Don't let him no that your there. Tell the police your scared he will come after you. They will take care of everything.

You cant let this happen anymore.

You need to call before someing worse happens. It is scary but you can do it.


Do what you can as soon as possible

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I agree with VickiRose. Go to a shelter as soon as possible. If you don't get yourself somewhere safe, he might hurt you're child, too. He's obviously emotionally hurting you as well as physical and that's bad. If you continue to be around him, well, when you're child grows up he could be psycologically affected. Plus, in a shelter, there's other women that know what you're going through. Good luck and get yourself somewhere safe, girl. For the future or you and your baby.

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Yes, I feel I know what your feeling. My ex b/f did that to me. You feel as though if you have a baby to them they will chill, but no, things dont get better just worse. I left my partner while he was at wk, our baby was 4 mths old. He used to give me black eyes, hit me you name it, but I still lasted with him for 4 yrs. I loved the guy heaps. I even turned my back on my family to live in another town for him, he was a real dead beet. I literally came back to my hometown with my baby when she was a mth old and introduced her to my family. They didnt even know I was pregnant. So I finally (but definitely with help from family) found a house in secret and then moved every single thing out one day while he was at work. I was scared how angry he would be, but honestly his anger turned to feeling sorry and guilty and loneliness. He found out where I stayed, I ended up getting a trespass order on him and that was awesome. I finally met someone else after 1 year who I really clicked with and treated me well but sadly because of all the violence that had happened to me, I treated him badly and he left me. That gave me 3 years to sort my shit out and finally met someone else who treats me well and so I treat him well. My advice - it will happen, but I feel sad it took my beautiful late teen and early 20's years before I did anything about it. He wasted my life except for my daughter. Act now before you become an old, bitter woman with 10 kids and a hubby who bashes you and cheats on you. If they bash you, they definitely cheat as well as they have no respect for you as a woman or person. Leave now before age creeps up on you and youve wasted all those beautiful young years!!!

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