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Sex with my Ex and Other Issues ... Help Anyone?

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Well I had sex maybe a handful of times with my ex-girlfriend (my first everything). Anyhow, now she is telling people that I have a small penis, I was bad in bed, and I never got her "there". Want to talk about an ego killer? Honestly, I don't know what a girl would make of my other member but when I am "excited" its a good 6 inches (but not that much of a girth, maybe 3.5 - 4.5 inches). Anyhow, why would she share such details with people? We went out for 2 years in a loving relationship and I did everything I could for her. She wouldn't let any foreplay, which I am better with my mouth at times. She never gave me any tips, she just went at it trying to get off, unfortunately I thought we were making love because the only things I remember are her face and how she looked (probably something I'll never forget forever ... beautiful). Is she just bein vengeful even though she broke up with me to find a cooler/hotter looking guy?


Also, she complained how I was a quick shot. Well I will admit one time I lasted maybe 5 minutes (which isn't normal for me). Usually I lasted the 15 - 25 minute area, which I guess isn't terrible because if she wanted it again I was more than willing. Sometimes I would last up to 45 minutes with her, and yes she NEVER got there. It always seemed like she was really close. One time I asked her what I could do to help her, and she said "nothing, i guess i am just uncomfortable with myself" --- which is possibly true because she was terribly insecure about everything (it was her first for everything also). Well I dropped the issue and didn't push her, but now she blames it on me to all of her friends. I think she has had already had sex only a month after our break up, and I know she has given oral to 1 or 2 guys within the first couple days of knowing them (if you want background on this girl, search my old threads). Ladies, can anyone give me insight into why she would be saying these things when honestly she even admits that I didnt do anything bad to her?


There is more to the situation if anyone has questions who could help me, but I dont really feel like to calling up those feelings right now. Also, does anyone know how to increase penis girth or if it is even possible? I have a fine length (6 inches is satisfactory to me), but I wish I was a bitch thicker. Well hopefully someone out there can help me out.



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She is hurting and does not know how to deal with her feelings.


She is acting very immature....but some women no matter what age they are tend to behave like this.


You need to stop worrying about what she is saying. It means nothing. Your penis is fine. Don't mess with it. Don't imagine it needs to be any different. This is what you were born with and start accepting your body. Your confidence is more important then how wide your penis is.


Your ex is "just a girl" in what will be a long line of girls in your life or at least a few more until you settle down. The moment you meet another girl, and you will who will like you, your ex and what she is saying will be nothing but a memory to you. it will mean nothing. At that point she might even come around and apaologize to you and want you back again and you will not care.


Do not get hung up over your performance issues, and do not worry about size or anything like that. You are young and you still got much to learn. You are fine, and so is your tool. Its not the size of the wave but the motion of the ocean that is important, and the "emotion" that you generate in bed.


Dude no matter what you do there will always be a woman somewhere out there who you will not be able to fully please. Its not necessarily your fault. She might be looking for something different, or something really big, or something really long, she might like asian guys or black guys or white guys only, she might like it rough or gently, she might be more loose (have a larger vagina), or she might just prefer different things and crazy things. Who knows? You can't pelase everybody and niether should you try. Thats just life accept it and move on. Its just like music. Just becasue you like a song dosen't mean everyone else will either. There will always be that one person who will say its the most terrible song ever.


Your ex is and was just as inexperienced as you are. She dosen't even know what she wants. She is just dealing with emotions and dosen't know how to control them, or handle them, so she is directing whatever pain, guilt, or anger she has toward you.


Be a man and let her be. Next time she says anything just act like it does not bother you because it should not. Go on with your life and find the girl of your dreams. Pay her no mind. Hook up with another girl and that moment your ex will shut up, because another woman will apparently think you are ok.

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when I am "excited" its a good 6 inches (but not that much of a girth, maybe 3.5 - 4.5 inches).


3.5-4 inches? Are you kidding me, that's the size of a log! She complaining?!


Is she just bein vengeful even though she broke up with me to find a cooler/hotter looking guy?

No, she probably wanted hot sex. She seems like a wild girl. Maybe she just wants to get her freak on. She sounds like a wild wabbit.


Ladies, can anyone give me insight into why she would be saying these things when honestly she even admits that I didnt do anything bad to her? She probably shared it among her girlfriends. But, if she purposely told everyone, then yeah, she was trying to make a mockery of you, and was seeking revenge.


"I think she has had already had sex only a month after our break up, and I know she has given oral to 1 or 2 guys within the first couple days of knowing them"

----Eeww...Don't do ANYTHING with this girl anymore. Think about it. Among those 2 (or 3 or more) guys that she gave head and had sex with, think about it, they've probably been with other girls, and those other girls have been with other guys, and so on. It's exponential! Be careful! She might be a disease carrier (STDs).


All I can say is: "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry...!"


I'm serious, you shouldn't have to worry about a chic like that. Just because she's beautiful, it does not mean that you should sell yourself short for someone like that. Think about it, is she marriage material? She's pretty scandelous. You need a girl who you're attracted to, and has self-respect. She's not one to fret about. There are tons of other 'nice' women out there. Just be like, "Goodbye and Goood Riddents!" =D>


Try to move on. You'll find better. Don't give up hope. And most of all, cut off all contacts. Since you guys are broken up, try healing yourself instead of focusing on what she's saying. It doesn't matter, because, "What goes around, comes around!" Trust me, in one way or the other, she'll prbably be the town's 'laughing stock' if she continues on with her promiscuity.


Good Luck. Take Care, and take some time out for self-reflecting. You really don't need someone who will make your life miserable. C'mon, you're better than that!

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