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eNotalone extends sympathies to the people of Spain

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Lets all say a Prayer for the People who have lost there lives, there friends, families Today, in yet another Heinous, Reprehensible Act of terrorism, In Atocha Train Station in Mardid, Spain.


In memory of the already 200 + people who have died, and 1,240 + still hospitalized, I pray for them, and for there safety, Also for the families, And for the people held responsible in this attack The (al-Qaida) to cease the rancor, I Pray for the vindictiveness to Stop!


I only ask why?....And what is this world coming Too?

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People have always asked, "what is the world coming to?" There was never a significant period on this planet without violent conflict. It is not a change that brings us this violence, but rather a lack of change and a new face to aggression (terrorism).

I noticed you're asking "why?" The thing is, if you asked the terrorists who planned the attack this question, you're pretty darn likely to get a solid, intellectual response. There ARE reasons. These things are thought about and planned out and they know what they're doing; it's just that the intellectualness is mixed heavily with very powerful emotion (anger).


I won't be praying, but I will be hoping that violence will never escalate to something huge in scale. That is the best we can hope for - there will never be a day where violence goes away.

Just as equally, I will be hoping that the issues that drives ordinary people to commit acts of terror can be resolved, so we have fewer violently-angry people in the world. Everyone needs new perspective, from the terrorists to the politicians. There is no excuse to kill innocent people like this; but I recognize that I'm saying that from my cozy, sheltered Western chair in front of a computer, and there are issues which, if I was confronted with face-to-face, and had to live the same life these people do, I might be angry too.


Really, we know nothing about this situation. Terrorism like this feels completely wrong to me. But my ethics are a result of my environment and upbringing. The terrorists believe just as strongly that what they do is ethically right.

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I hope any of the citizens of Madrid who read this forum accept our best wishes and prayers as you come out from under your tragedy. Please realize that there is an international community that reaches out from beyond the level the newspapers cover in these issues. I share in your mourning and Godspeed to you all as you move forward from here on.

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