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Longer Lasting Techniques


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Now, this topic will mainly be for men's techniques, but if women have any techniques on how to make themselves or their men last longer, please contribute.


So, most men have heard that masturbating shortly beforehand (no pun intended) helps last longer. I haven't taken any formal training into anything tantric ('cause, really, some of it looks painful, or at least uncomfortable), but I have researched some information on it. In a nut shell, it boils down to getting used to the feeling of an orgasam, and then controlling it.


Now, every type of orgasam feels different, and feels different from one person to another, but having them will make you aware of most of the things your body will feel when you have one. And so, to be aware of it, you need to have it. Practice makes perfect. An understanding and willing partner is a major plus here, but lacking that, a hands-on approach will give you a good deal of insight.


On a note of personal insight, make sure any lubrication does not result in a chemical burn. My nerve damage is still healing after 5 years of unintentional self inflicted damage. Shampoo bad.


Any way you do have an orgasam, after the first few fun times, you should try to pay attention to what is going on. Where does it feel good on you, how fast, how tightly, what position, and so on. The environment might even be a factor. I have 2 kids. Yhea, we wait until they're asleep or gone.


The more you know about your self, the better you will be able to control your self. Practice breathing. Feel where your body tightens up. Try not to pull a muscle. Breath, really, I mean it, it's the best place to start. Relax and hold off on finishing your bit of the fun until you've done what you wanted to her.


That's most of the total of my sage wisdom. Is there a Tantric master in the house? What do the rest of you do? Please, no nekid grandmother images.

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Some other things to try:


Change positions when you start to get close. This few seconds of 'inactivity' will not only help extend things a bit, but also most women seem to enjoy lots of variety even in a single session.


When you get close, revert to either manual or oral stimulation again. This way, she still gets continuous attention, but he can hold off and continue on in a while.


Flex your pc (pubococcygeus) muscles. This interrupts blood flow to the penis. It takes some practise, but clenching them for about 30 seconds will generally result in loss of erection, a shorter time period will cause things to cool off for a while. (This doesn't cause a chemical change, or alteration of emotional state though, so it may not really be all that useful)


Big thing really though is self control. Control the pace and other factors to control when you climax. You can postpone it for a long time once you know exactly where you are. The impulse is to go all the way to the end once you start to get close. Learn to control that impulse and you'll find you can have much longer sessions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have a couple of drinks first, the alcohol is a numbing agent and it'll help you last longer. I shouldn't promote drinking on an open forum but I figure people are smarter than most think.

I'm not talking about large amounts, but just to take the edge off. Believe me, it works. I have yet to beat my 6 hour non-stop record...... =)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice techniques .. I have read that rolling your eyes while getting close to cumming works .. and that is from a sex author .. forget who tho lol .. Does masturbating help you control it .. getting used to it n such? because Ive been masturabting since I was about 10 .. or so I forget lol .. and I don't know if Im noticing a difference .. maybe its because I do it so often lol .. kinda like if you see someone after a year they look alot taller .. but to them they dont feel it because they are used to it .. lol well anyway .. uhmm ya .. oh btw .. when I was 10 i couldnt cum lol .. but the feeling was still there .. lol ok time for bed

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  • 2 weeks later...

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