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Texting games/ girl pulling away


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SO from the start i was completely exposed with this girl, someone i could open up to and she excepted it. So i started off very vunerable and started to get hurt.


THe first sign that she wasnt that into me, i was really crushed. She started talking less, being short with me, and now is playing texting games in my opinion.


Although i know she is able to seee my texts she wont respond sometimes. She doesnt seem to care much about my emotions, but we;ve only known each other for about a month and a week.


So my problem is that i cant read her, i dunno if she is truly falling back, or wants to hang on to it with least effort as possible, or is playing games. Because since i have noticed her colder side, i have put on a face too, and am now playing it way cooler, and way more relax. At first I would tell her exctly how things were making me feel, and my jealousy etc. \


So anyway i have been very exposed about my weaknesses and insecurties with her, i confided in her. If she is pulling away because of this will, things ever change, will i redem myself with enough self control and playing things cooler, or is her opinion of me always going to remain, and i will always struggle to keep this girl.


What does this sound like to yalll, is this common, do i have a chance. WHy is she not responding to texts and things. It feels like she doesnt want to talk as much, BUT keep in mind, is calling me on a nightly or daily basis.

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The honeymoon period ends earlier for some than others, so these feelings you are experiencing are very common. I would caution against listening to them too much, because it is your feelings that are giving you an unrealistic expectation of someone's behaviour. She isn't going to change, and any attempt to make her change will simply drive her further away. Your goal should be to become comfortable with the new, more realistic footing of your relationship, rather than hang on the fairytale where you think of nothing but each other all day. I know it's sad to see it go, but it will be replaced by something that in time you will see is even better.

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wait- i thought you said on another thread that you were gay??? i am so confused now!


if you are gay, then why are you dating this woman, and worrying about her pulling away? maybe she senses that something isn't quite right with you and your connection, and that is why she is ducking out?

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Maybe she doesn't like texting. I don't. I only use it for logistical things like "Hey, just left my house, be there in 15" or every once in a while a short message to my husband or a friend.


I hate it when people want to have whole conversations via text. I refuse to participate, lol.

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She is checking out. Most women will end short relationships this way. It's a soft landing approach. Pay attention to how she's doing it. She is slowly weaning you off, eventually she will either just end it verbally or stop responding. She's not being mean man. She just doesn't want to hurt you.


My advice, disappear. Cut off all communication. You may get her back you may not. Just assume this relationship is dead. Right now, you're in push/pull with her. You feel her pulling away so you continue to push.. The more you push the further she will pull away. Just stop and move on.

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yeah, I have laid off a ton, i rarely text her or intiate contact, she is calling me and sparlingly texting me. SO it seems shes still interested. I dunno, she is confusing, but I officially feel out of contact with her, I am now back in my own skin and she seems to be distant from my heart right now, At the beginning i was very honest and deep, and expressive, and it really sent me so much joy when she excepted who i was, but now its like shes is appearing as this person who doesnt really care about me. BUt is still calling, i dunno, i dont feel good about this anymore,.....impulsivly i want to end it , but think i will use some patience of mind and let it chill for a while.


And i am bisexual not gay.

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