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its her birthday.... should i email her?


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its been about 6 months since we broke up now, been no contact for almost all 6 months, she wanted to "be friends" after we broke up.


should i email and tell her happy birthday? i still care about her and i wouldnt say i tihnk about her regularily but i do think about her still and i still care about her, im just wondering if i should email her and say happy birthday, also i got put on house arrest, and i didnt go to jail, should i tell her this ? im not sure i mean its not really her problem to know anymore but maybe she was worried ? i dont even know if she cares anymore but, i just don't know if i should email her or not, im not completely over her but im getting there, also i dont want to be rude and not email her on her birthday because thats not who i am, even though she didnt email me on my birthday.



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I would call, and if she picks up, I would catch up a little bit. Don't get yourself attached again, keep it light. If she doesn't pick up, leave a quick voicemail.


That's what I would do anyways. An e-mail is a little too informal IMO considering that you used to go out. Whatever you do, don't get attached again or worry if she doesn't respond to the voicemail or email or whatever you do.

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I would call, not e-mail.

Wish her a Happy Birthday.

Don't mention your house arrest.

You guys are broken up so it should not be a topic that should be talked about.

You have your life. She has hers. Stay friends, but just wish her a Happy Birthday today, with a phone call.


Good Luck



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I would do something, either call or email.

I see it as just common courtesy type thing. I mean you were apart of each other lives for some time, so there is nothing wrong with just wishing them a happy birthday.

However, don't expect anything in return. She may not answer or email back but at least you did your part in trying to be a good person.

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im seeing it a little different. If i was in your shoes, and after 6 months of NO contact. i wouldn't bother telling them happy birthday - and the fact they missed mine. If there was contact, different. i probably would if its been some what friendly.


I wouldn't tell her about the house arrest.


You could send her a card if you know where she is.


but, if you do this, would it make you feel better or worse? If you send an email, how would you feel if she doesnt respond? You will need to be prepared she might not respond and not allow that to get to you. Do it and forget it type thing.

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I've got about the same time apart as you. I'm going to send mine an e-card. If she reads it, great, if not her loss. It will cost me 5mins of my time. I'm sure it isnt going to change anything but I still love her and not sending her one out of spite isnt really my style regardless if she deserves one or not. Who knows she may even respond or send me one (our BD's are close).

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Yes, I think you should send her an e-card...maybe one that's not too mushy but not too generic either. One that is friendly, upbeat, somewhat personalized but not over the top. That way you can just focus on her birthday and don't have to go into personal details. If she replies, you can talk from there but I wouldn't bring up the house arrest thing until much later down the road of you guys being in contact.

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Do not send anything ....


While you think you lose nothing you do lose your dignity.


When a girl bounces you .... you should not talk to her.


By sending a card you are reinforcing that you still care when she acted like biatch and thus saying it's okay that you screwed me etc.


This will continue into your next relationship until you realize that people have to earn the right to get a card from you.


By giving a card so freely it has no value.

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Well, I kind of agree, but think it's bad form for her not to have sent you anything. Genuinely, it depends on the type of people you are as individuals (usually it could be argued that people who forget birthdays are more likely to be males, sorry, no wish to offend so if you're healed and still want to have some one-sided communication as you are a nice person and genuinely wish her well, then fine, go ahead with a card/email.


Probably not a call though, after so much NC from her side. It might be a bit humiliating.

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Well, I kind of agree, but think it's bad form for her not to have sent you anything. Genuinely, it depends on the type of people you are as individuals (usually it could be argued that people who forget birthdays are more likely to be males, sorry, no wish to offend so if you're healed and still want to have some one-sided communication as you are a nice person and genuinely wish her well, then fine, go ahead with a card/email.


Probably not a call though, after so much NC from her side. It might be a bit humiliating.


well actually i was the one who initiated no cotact, maybe you missed that part but, she has made a few measly attempts of conversation, one i responded too with short blunt response and the other times i didnt reply at all. i don't want to talk to her because im healign but i figured it would be a nice gesture, to just send her a quick note, i didn't want to get much into conversation i just wanted to wish her a happy birthday. all i said was "hey _____, happy birthday hope you had fun."


i wouldn't call though because i dont really wnt to talk to her, im pretty much near over her i just would rather stay away from her, she was like a bad luck charm for me (as terrible as that sounds) just every bad thing that could happen to me, did when i was with her, then it all stoppd when we broke up lol. although i love her.

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