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Who has seasonal affective disorder and tried light therapy?

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I have suffered depression and anxiety on and off all my life. I have been on Paxil and Effexor on and off a few times. I don't want to take synthetic antidepressants anymore. I also suffer from PMS.


I have been, throughout my life, diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder (by one psychiatrist). Another psychiatrist last year could only come up with a diagnosis of dysthimia. another one said mild to moderate borderline personality disorder.


I've been seeing a therapist for 1 year and it's helping me. I started St John' Wort about a week ago, for PMS, so far no changes (usually after my period I feel better but not this month... it always depends on a number of factors).


The winter has been very cold here this year. Little sunlight. Last year about the same time I was very depressed and tired. I am very tired now too. I am thinking of trying a lamp for light therapy. Who has advice and experience with it? thanks

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sorry to hear what you're going through. just curious though, about this seasonal disorder. why does cold weather and lack of sunlight make people sad? because in the winter i often snowboard at night and it's the best thing since pop corn.


btw, home depot sells those pure white cfl light bulbs made by philips i believe and it may help. it's cheap too. i think all the light therapy bulbs are the same, they all use 5000kelvin bulbs instead of 3200kelvin bulbs.

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Winter is absolute HELL on me. I can't function. Anti-depressants don't really help me personally.

Light therapy does. When I can afford it, I go tanning. I know i know, cancer. blah blah blah. My doctor actually said it was okay for me to go once or twice a week. It really helps.


I also have one of those sun lights for a desk lamp, which seems to help?

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Winter is absolute HELL on me. I can't function. Anti-depressants don't really help me personally.

Light therapy does. When I can afford it, I go tanning. I know i know, cancer. blah blah blah. My doctor actually said it was okay for me to go once or twice a week. It really helps.


I also have one of those sun lights for a desk lamp, which seems to help?


could you describe how the SAD comes on (what month? does it hitmore in the spring after months of little light?) Here we have had almost no sunshine and it's been very cold (down to around minus 25 C / minus 13 F, which at times is more with the wind chill factor)... a lot of people, by March or April, are suicidal (more suicide. I'm not though, thank goodness).

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SAD usually starts for me in November and lasts through the Spring.


I'm sure it's different for all people.


Have you spoken to a Dr or therapist about this?



like I mentionned in my original post, I've been diagnosed with a few things but no one seems to be able to quite put the finger on it.

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like I mentionned in my original post, I've been diagnosed with a few things but no one seems to be able to quite put the finger on it.


I would try another Dr.


Unfortunately with mental illness, it's not as easy as getting an xray. Things are not so black and white. Lots of shades of gray.


Sorry for your suffering...there is nothing worse, I know.

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and let me clairfy... the PA didn't mean go tan until you skin turns off color.. in fact color isn't even the goal - although it might happen... she was talking like for 3-5 minutes a week... even that amount can help with SAD... and I agree.. but then I do tan for longer - but might be worth a try.



thanks for specifying the time needed. I wouldn't want to age my skin or expose myself to cancer. so I'd keep it at a minimum.

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could you describe how the SAD comes on (what month? does it hitmore in the spring after months of little light?) Here we have had almost no sunshine and it's been very cold (down to around minus 25 C / minus 13 F, which at times is more with the wind chill factor)... a lot of people, by March or April, are suicidal (more suicide. I'm not though, thank goodness).


For me, it hits when it starts to get gloomy...late November usually...it lasts until ALL of the snow is gone. I'm actually surprised the suicide rate there goes up in the spring...I'm at my worst in February. When mine hits, I go into hibernation-mode. There are times I won't leave the apartment for a WEEK.

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For me, it hits when it starts to get gloomy...late November usually...it lasts until ALL of the snow is gone. I'm actually surprised the suicide rate there goes up in the spring...I'm at my worst in February. When mine hits, I go into hibernation-mode. There are times I won't leave the apartment for a WEEK.


the suicide rate goes up in the spring cause people are exhauted from the cold and lack of light. it catches up on them.. but Novemeber is a most depressing month for me. But see, last year I was put on work arrest during spring break in March and I was absolutelly exhausted. there were other issues involved as well (in hormonal birth control which made me very moody, irritable, anxious, anger problems), but see now end of February, I am feeling that same fatigue but not as intense. Here it's been a sun-less, bitter cold month (and winter in general I find).


tnaksfully I'm going to Mexico for 9 days in 2 weeks.

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Winter is absolute HELL on me. I can't function. Anti-depressants don't really help me personally.

Light therapy does. When I can afford it, I go tanning. I know i know, cancer. blah blah blah. My doctor actually said it was okay for me to go once or twice a week. It really helps.


I also have one of those sun lights for a desk lamp, which seems to help?


Once or twice a week?

Well now I don't feel so guilty going twice a month sometimes.

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