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how sleepy do u have to be??

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...if u have been keeping up with my entries u will know that i am in love with my best friend....we do everything together and spend a nite at each others houses all the time.

well i am bi and he doesnt know that i am sure that i am bi...i told him i was thinking about it and he said he has thought about it too..but back to the story....


ok this weekend he spend a nite and we were asleep. we sleep on the same bed and we like touch each other (not sexually) wehn we are asleep....just like moving around touching and well he puts his leg over me (unconsiously-i think-) and i dont mind i put my hand around him and stuff like that....well this time when he put his leg over me i caught woke up and i noticed my hand was on his groin (sp) area, basically his crotch, and i get the idea that maybe i can touch him. so i move my hand and just brush his penis and he moved a little i waited for like 5 mintues and i rested my hand on his penis. he was soft at the time and i just like felt his manhood in my hand. i left it there for a long time and i started moving my hand a little and he started to get hard. now... my quyestion is....was he really asleep through all of this? i mean that is how far i got. nuthing else happened, but believe me i was so happy!!!!! but please help me.


do u think he was asleep and had no idea what was happening?


do u think he was asleep, knew he was being touched but still was out of it and didnt kno exactly wat was happening?


or do u think he was woke up right when my hand was on it and acted like he was asleep the entire time?


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AIM: SkoolHatr438

YAHOO: SkoolHatr4382002

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I cannot answer your questions, but I don't think I would have ever slept next to another guy, so that should tell you something. A guy's body jsut touching mine in a way that might be romantic, it is not a pleasant thought for me. So that should tell you something in and of itself about your friend, he sounds gay to me.

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As much as I think it would make you happy and so would like to tell you that he had actually woken and knew you were touching him, I have to tell you the truth, as I think it would be helpful in this situation.


A previous point has been made about a man sleeping with another man would not happen and being touched by another man would have no effect. However, when a person is asleep, they are in effect un-conscious. Unless something happens to really disturb their body, they will remain oblivious to whats going on around them.


The body however, will still react as normal to being stimulated as long as its not aggressive (nudging someone, shaking them etc), or putting strain on other bodily functions to react differently (calling someone to wake them, sends messages to brain saying they need to make an active responce etc). thereforeeee, your hand on your friends groin, may well have aroused him and his body may have reacted to your touch, but there is no way of saying if he was actually aware. You could just have easily have been stroking his hair softly, holding his hand or the likes.


Saying all this though, we have to bare in mind that your friend is aware of how you feel and you have talked about it before, so there is on the other hand that you may be very correct and he was just pretending to be asleep.


There is really only one way to find out the truth, Talk to him. If he didnt mind when you talked about things before and as you say stilll like to feel each others company in bed anyway, then he will most likely be fine when you talk to him about this.


Try it, put your mind at rest one way or another.



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