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Why did everyone here join eNotAlone?

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I realise that some here may find this a personal question, if that is the case then please ignore me.


I was wondering why everyone here decided to join eNotAlone, was it was because you were in need, or maybe you wanted to help others?


I found this website because i needed advice about a girl that i liked, i decided to stay on here because i wanted to give something back, the people here helped me out so i decided to help everyone else out in return.

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You two have just taken the words right out of my mouth.


I guess I found this website by luck or maybe it was fate?! who knows...

Anyhow I wanted to find out how to ask a girl out and I'd just like to say thank you to all you guys who have contributed to this website. You have helped me immensely.


I'm just glad I can give something back and help others.

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it came up as a pop up one time and i decided to have a look around the place, i was already in a few other forums but never felt too welcome, it seemed here that people gave pretty good advice and that you got to know the regulars so to speak.


i guess if you look at my first post i came on for advice on a boyfriend which was the initial idea then i stayed because i was made welcome and wanted to help others like members did with me. i mean once your given good advice you dont hold it to yourself you share it, so i guess im doing that to date,



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I ssearched for help with a shattered heart and found a place to heal. Helping others has helped me heal and deal with the no contact. Well, I don't even want to hear from her anymore. I have found some friends in here and you are made to feel welcome. I just hope I have helped the ones I have offered advice to.

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As almost everyone else has said.. I was searching for an advice forum and found this site. The members here give great advice and they don't judge others, so i'm here to stay for awhile hehe in hopes maybe I can help someone out the way other members have helped me. And the most important thing is everyone is welcome it's not like the newbies are here, and the regs are there everyone is in it together.


-Mythical Suicide-

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I kind of found this sight accidentally too.

Before I found this site I would find articles on question I had. Seeing I could not find a site where you could ask anything and receive answers, or it would not be for free. So one day I was looking for an article on Friendships between a male and Female and if they are really possible to be just that. Well after a bunch of dead ends I found this article on the subject and read it. It was good and helped me. then I noticed that you could join. So I decided to join. I got to the registration form and was expecting to find out that is was another pay site. But I was surprised. So I join and that is how I am here today

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I, to this day do not know how I stumbled upon this site, I just did, it was weird actually. I was having a little trouble with a broken heart so I decided to post something on it. I did and the response I got was great therapy for me, it helped me through alot. I also like to give advice to others if I can.

This site has certainly helped! Good luck to everyone!

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I stumbled upon this site one day while searching for some advice on a problem I had. I found that everyone was so helpful, had really good advice to offer, and it kind of made me feel no longer alone. I started reading other people's posts, found myself in the same situation in the past and could offer some help. Since then, I've been visiting regularly.


I love this site because it brings people together. It's like one big happy family where everyone is there for each other. If you felt alone, there is always someone happy to listen. There is always a solution, even when you think you're all out of ideas.

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well i was surfing the web trying to find out how to act or what to do on your first date, lame i know but i was only 15 and it was my first, well i came accross this page and i thought it was cool because everyone here was open and shared there problems and helped others. i thought about it and i didn't have anyone to talk to at home about any of my problems, long story, so i thought i would join and try it out. i love it here, i love to help people when i have an answer for them and i really think its awesome that people will help others including myself with our dificulties.

well love ya,


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I was surfing the web on a school computer.Incidentally, I happen to gaze at the compter of a girl next to me and I saw her going through the postings on the enotalone site.I stared a bit indirectly on her comp and found the story interesting.I havent seen the enotalone site b4 and so I looked up to the address bar and memorized the web address.The next few minutes,I have the website opened on my comp.This happened in 2003.


I used to come as a guest and only read and get ideas on how to tackle some problem issues but then in 2003 ending, I made up my mind to be a member so as to be able to give advice to some problems here in the way I can.


Besides, reading some post here is very interesting.However most post here worth sympathy while some will only put smile on your face.After reading throu many post here, I feel there are things people lokking 4 advice here should as well know while in their r/ship.As a result , I took out time to write the previous post(Get your best as a youth) as a way of providing piece of advice.


When I feel bored in my studies or something else, this is the site I turn to and so on an so 4th.I can say it has added to my experiences on what can be or might be happening in a r/ship





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