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Update from "living and working in the USA-Is this....&

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Hi everyone,

I posted a few days ago regarding moving to the USA to live and work. Just to let you know the latest on that...


I had a careers interview on Thursday to discuss Visas, applying for jobs out there etc. It went fine and pretty much confirmed everything I had been thinking-that I need a job first and foremost and I need to get my name accross to people.


I'm going to have to someone I know, one of my university lecturers, as he may be able to help. My girlfriend and I have discussed the situation and things seem to be going well. Staying strong and such and supporting eachother. Not sure if she will move here, as Ihave suggested if it looks as though things will take a while, just while I sort things out, but I guess I will deal with that nearer the time.


Anywhoo just to say things are going fine and the two of us are doing really well.

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