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stretch marks


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Nearly everyone has them. Even my rail thin boyfriend has them. Those who are lucky enough to have them fade (or not just have them at all) are just gifted with good genetics. You can do things to make them less noticeable (cocoa butter, coconut oil, staying hydrated, etc), but again, unless you are genetically lucky they're not going anywhere.

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I'm just mad that my mom who has had 3 kids doesn't have a single stretch mark, while I have them on my butt and boobs and I've never had a kid or been overweight. I'll admit they're not THAT bad, but I'm a perfectionist and they bother me a lot. I've had guys notice them, but no one has looked at them in disgust.

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I have them from rapid weight loss and gain, due to an eating disorder and I must admit, they make me self conscious and I hate them. I do believe a lot of people have them, but honestly I feel like a lot of guys expect everyone to look like Jessica Alba these days and have perfect, immaculate smooth bodies.

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