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How are women able to assume that a guy doesn't have any friends?


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What are the telltale signs that we guys give off?


I work on the weekends at a shoe store. This Sunday I met a new co-worker for the first time. Now I shook hands with her and we greeted each other, and then I went back to work.

Then later on in the back I told her that I was new to the city and had been here for 2 years, and she said "I've been here for a month."


Later on that day I told her that I was going to go to a SuperBowl party, and she said "That's great. Great opportunity to meet some new friends..."


I had to correct her and tell her that it was with friends, and then I continued the conversation.


Now instead of asking me a question, she's going to assume that after the 2 years I've been here, I haven't made any friends? How come she didn't say: "Who's going to be there? or other questions such as "What's on the menu? or "Bringing anything over?"


Are there certain vibes that guys give off? Body language? I wear glasses...could that be it?

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maybe she meant that it would be a great opportunities for *HER* to make friends? as in, hinting maybe you would invite her?


This is exactly what she meant...she has been there ONLY a month, you been there 2yrs..big difference.


And if you didnt have ANY friends how would you be going to a party? Do you really think she thought you went to a party where there would be no one but you? lol I think you read into this completely the wrong way.


Oh & the glasses can be a sexy thing.

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It sounds like you read in a little bit too much of what she might had meant.


She probably thought it was an good opportunity for her to make new friends considering she has only been in the area for a month.


She could have also thought that it was great opportunity for both of you to make new friends considering you also haven't lived in Seattle that long.


Along with my second statement, I am wondering how big the party was going to be. If the party is huge, then it makes sense for both of you to make new friends but if the party is small, containing just people that you know, then it would have been a good opportunity for her to meet new people.


I honestly don't think she meant any harm in what she said.

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