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I'm still not sure what I want to be, so confused

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I've been in college for two years already. And I'm still not sure what I want to be. I feel so confused and fustrated. Everyone else seems to know exactly what they want to be already, and are moving on. I on the other hand just seem to be going around in circles. When I find a career I like, its the income that upsets me, and vice versa. I don't know what to do. Any advice?

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Have you spoken to your friends and family about what your good at and what your better subjects are?


In England we have people called careers advisors and they're at school if you unsure about which path you want to take in life.


Think about what you enjoy and what subjects link in with this, i.e do you like computer games or pc games? Then you could be a computer programmer.... etc.


I hope I've helped.


Good luck!

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I hope to cheer you up a bit with my experience:


My favorite line is (it is not mine, but I can't remember whose it is):

I know people that are 40 that do not even know what they what to be when they are 'grown-up' . That are the most interesting people.


In college I did not know what I wanted to become, and to be honest I do not know now. I know that I have a job that I like very much and that there are some great opportunities for me to study while building a career.


Please talk to as many people as you can! Talk to your best friend, your mum, dad, sister, brother, eNot Alone Members. Heck, even talk to yourself! Try to remember what you wanted to become when you were just a little kid. Start there. Find someone that does something you might be interested in. Be bold, ask if you can interview them.


There must me subjects that you are more interested in. Try to find out if you can study that. Visit as many colleges as you can. Ask if you can combine two or more subjects.


If you have any questions, please pm me.


Take care,



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Well, to tell you the troth it really doesn't matter what you want to be, Just take classes that are anywhere where you might like something. If nothing else major in business administration. That will help you with just about any career you want to go into. You can build your career as you go and find things you like to do. At some point things will just click and you'll stay there. Or you can end up like my dad and spend your whole life jumping jobs and being happy in that.

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some people go there whole lives without knowing what they want to be, and that's ok. Your young you don't have to know what you want to be. The point of college is to explore your different oppurtunities till you find something you like. Try some classes that are out of the ordinary. Who knows you might find something you would never have imagined yourself doing, but love yet. College is all about having fun. Minus the studying and term papers. It is supposed to be one big experience. Enjoy it while you can. Don't sweat the small stuff. You will find your groove.

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It takes some time to get into the groove of things on what you want to do. My best friend back home is in the same boat that you are in...he dropped in and our of college cuz he was clueless on his career choice. Just take general classes and see what you like and don't like.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What most people are saying is correct - many/most people have no idea what they wish to do when they 'grow up'. Those around you, the young people, I mean, often choose something, and then put that label on themselves so they can show the world that they've 'decided'.


One other thing - you'll change as you get older - and your ideas about the world and your place it in will change as well (this in itself is a very GOOD argument against tattoos - you'll change, but that mark on your body will still be there...). Even if you had very clear ideas of what you wanted to do now, they would very likely change in the future. I had friends in college who were 'sure' of where they were going - only to have a mid-life crisis later on - and go to something totally different.


I'm 42 now - an age I could never see myself at 'that age'. My father (a very successful cardiac surgeon) used to tell me that if I could not figured out what I wanted to do by the time I was 40, I would be in real trouble. When I turned 40, it was kind of a relief - I just said '...Oh well, I guess by his standards, I'm in trouble... Now I can figure out what to do with the remainder of my life...'


None of this is to say that you should just blow it all off and party, however. I was in a fraternity in college - and spent most of my time chasing girls and keg parties - time that now (as a 42 year old) I see as not 'wasted' but - also 'not very smartly spent'.


You should have a good time while you're in school - but also be aware that you're configuring your skill sets for when you hit the work world - and as such, you need to load yourself with the best possible tools you can. Once you get out here, no one really cares about you or what you do (occupationally) anymore (like they do when you're in school).


So - what to do? Well, try starting out by going to your career counseling center. Take an 'Interest Survey' test - a very long, boring test, which will tell you where your interests are. I had a fraternity brother who took this test, and one of the things it told him was to consider being a funeral director. We all laughed at that - but you know what? Today he owns one of the largest funeral home chains in FL - and he's worth millions.


Second - determine what your strengths are - with respect to your intellect. You should consider arming yourself with VERY BASIC VALUABLE skills that most kids shy away from. This means things like math, engineering, medicine, etc. Consider this your opportunity to learn skills that YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FEED YOURSELF WITH AFTER GRADUATION. If you want finance, etc - then do it as an MBA - you'll be worth MUCH more. Basic skills first - more specific second.


Basic, non-sexy skills are the way to go as an undergrad. The world is full of poli-sci majors who work for fast food restaurants - and believe me - I know - I was a 'communications' major - my first job after graduation was as a bank teller in San Francisco! Talk about a rude awakening....


Anyhow - that's my rant. You'll be ok - try not to stress. Just don't waste tons of time doing nothing either. You'll find that life goes by VERY FAST. Before you know it, you'll be 42 like me - wondering where it all went.


Good luck -



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  • 1 month later...

I believe most people have no clue what they want to do in life. I've had so many different paths I've been down. I think someone else mentioned talking to everybody you know and find out what they do. If it sounds interesting ask them questions and if you could possibly see what they do. When I turned 21 I wanted a "cool" high paying job so I went to bars and if I saw a guy drive up in a killer car I'd find him later, start talking to him and find out what he did. Most people are genuinely nice and will open up to questions without prying. Many will even help you get a position if they like you. I found several great jobs by doing that so it's an idea. Out of all my friends only 1 is doing what she went to college for so don't let that weigh on you. Here's my final piece of advice. Study business, people skills, etc. With good people skills you can go further than someone with a "great education" and few people skills. I have seen that happen time and time again. Degrees are a dime a dozen but people skills will set you apart from the crowd in a hurry. Another thing to consider is self employment. No boss, no lay offs, no butt kissing. Odds are you'll make more as well. You'll find something you love. I love trading and think it's the greatest thing in the world. On the other hand, my best friend has a flooring business and he thinks tile and stone are the best thing in the world even though that bores me. Don't worry about having the "cool" job just do until you find something you love and than get up and sprint with it like there is no tomorrow.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with what those preceding have said. The main thing you need to do right now is just get a degree. Without a degree your opportunities are extremely limited.


It is VERY common to get a degree and not work in that field. I see it all the time. I'm a prime example. I have a B.S. in Education. All I ever wanted to be was a teacher. I taught for four years and called it quits. I now work in the medical field. But many of the skills I needed to be a good teacher have helped me with all the jobs I've had along the way. I have had MANY different types of jobs throughout my career. Every time I interview, the comment is about all the types of jobs I've had and my degree. (major is History, English minor). They grab on to the English minor because so many people now can't write a clear sentence. It is a skill that has served me well through writing brochures, policy and procedure manuals, marketing materials, etc.


I fully agree with Sean in Seattle. Take the general types of courses that will provide you with skills to help you succeed. When in doubt, get a business degree. There are all types of Business Degrees ....marketing, HR, administration, etc. Almost any type of job you get in to, even self employed, can utilize the skills you learn with a Business degree.


Go see your counselor at your school. It is their job to help you declare a major. Take the Interest Survey, Sean in Seattle suggested. I took it and it's amazing just how accurate it can be. It's worth the time.


Both of my kids stressed over declaring a major even through their sophomore years. Both have now declared (one has even changed again) and should be graduating next year. But one is going to get a master's degree in a totally different area, if he can. But you have no options if you don't at least get A DEGREE.


Stay the course. See the counselor. Take general types of courses. Business major if you are still unsure since it's the most adaptable to any job. Take the Interest Survey. Keep plugging. You'll make it. Just keep going. It will all work out.


Good luck!

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  • 3 months later...

I can feel your pain. I am in the same boat you are. I have just started my second year of classes and I still have no clue what to do. I am majoring in General Studies right now, cause most of the classes I am taking will help me start out in any of the majors. Since I've been at school though, I have thought of a few majors and I have narrowed it down to 2. But I still don't know which direction to go.. cause the majors are going into two very different directions.


I think I'm gonna take some advice on this board and go take that Internet Survey test. Maybe it'll help me figure out what I should be doing.


But Everyone has told me to follow my heart and go for something I'm passionate about. Maybe I should tell you to do the same thing, ,even though I dn't know where my own heart is.


If you want to chat, you could always pm me.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in the SAME boat dude!



I am 24 years old... I was in Engineeing for 1 1/2 years...


I am CURRENTLY a welder (started Thrusday again) I HATE it but it is QUIK production and the day goes fast...



It is HORRIBLE ont he health. LOL.



I have been THINKING of returnig to Engineering, we'll see...


I have a CRAP load of Student loand AND bank loans to pay off FIRS!!!



View my post PLEASE:





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