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I just dont understand it. My ex leaves me after 2 1/2 years. I have been heart broken ever since and its almost been 4 weeks. I was finally starting to feel better and looking into dating other people and then SHE CALLS! She called to see how i was doing. I really dont understand I told her why do you care all of the sudden. Then she says what do you think im some cold hearted Bitch! Then i say well you did leave me and moved in a new guy 5 days after our break up. I just figured how can somebody who you were supposed to marry do that and still care. Then she said she made a mistake on calling and shell never call again. I was pretty happy that she wont call anymore but now im really wondering why she really callled? What do you guys think?

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Hey there hurt,


Man, I would totally give you a high five for "asking her why she cared all of a sudden" - I hear you loud and clear my man - that's exactly how I should have felt when my ex called me two weeks after she broke up with me - we were together 2 years and 3 months. I was serioulsly considering asking her to marry me - but I guess that wasn't her plan - I think it would have been nice if she would have told me earlier, but I guess I should have seen it comin' - man this love thing is so blind.


I was in the same situation as you - although it was only two weeks, I had healed some and began to let go - I had just got some strength back - and then she calls me, 2 weeks later - I was surprised, shocked - I never expected it - I thought that was the end of it. She too wanted to know how I was doing - I bucked up, and mustered an "okay" even though I was feeling really hurt still (but not as bad as the week she broke up with me). But basically, it set me back to square one hearing from her again - but I feel for you man - I'm sorry your ex is with another person now - I would be totally hurt and mad too - but think about it man, - the fact that she's with another person just says that she is messed up and has not fully healed yet, and chances are, the current relationship will not last. In the book I'm reading, only 10% of these relationships turn into anything really significant.


But to answer your question, I think our ex's called because they feel guilty for hurting us - and they should - so I think the fact that you asked her why she suddenly cared and she got peeved - I wish I could have done that - so don't worry about it man. In the end, our ex's are human too, and they feel guilty for hurting us, and it is our right to be angry with them. So, everything is going the way it should - you should continue to be mad (not to the point where it hurts you though), and she should continue to feel guilty.



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Oh man, get this. This morning i forgot my wallet and went back home to get it. There were 2 cop cars in my driveway. So i asked what was going on. Well it turns out my ex was trying to steel my dog! I had told my neighbors to call the cops if they saw her at the house without my car being in the driveway. Now my ex thinks she has the right to have my dog on the weekends. I said look its a not a child its a dog! Leave me and the dog alone. Then i told the cops to let her go. Was i being too nice?

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Hey Dude


The question was are you to nice ????? The answer is "YES" That is why you got screwed over and she moved in another guy. The writing was on the wall, you were just to nice to spot it. She called because you were nice to her, and she was feeling really guilty. And she quoted she is not a *****, well I would dissagree with that one. Sounds to me she is a *****

and stealing your dog, come on. this person needs professional help.


Move On Bro.....You can do alot better.....She does not deserve you. some women respect nice guys. Some like the Bad Boys. I've been both, the nice guy usually finishes last place.



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