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Hey everyone,


Well, this is a somewhat general question.


I have just recently (about a month) started working in a restaurant. There is a guy that I work with who has a very attractive personality and we seem to get along pretty well. He walks me out to my car when I close and I help him bus tables (he is a busser, I'm a hostess). We've had just general chats both while working and out walking/by my car about school, living situations, cars/trucks, friends, work, and few details about ourselves. We work pretty much the same schedule (weekends and occasional weeknights, each night closing) so we have time to joke around and talk, just get to know each other. I have noticed small things about him and his personality that I find so incredibly sweet and attractive, for example when he smiles his entire face lights up, he always finds me while I'm bussing a table and teases me about doing his job and helps me finish cleaning. Just things like that.


Well okay, now to my question.


Is dating or being interested in co-workers a good or bad idea?


I'm not sure if anything more than a friendship will come out of him and I, which I am totally fine with. But I was just curious.


I am pretty sure I'm developing a crush or whatever on him, just by the little butterflies I get when I see him and how I feel after he hugs me, and of course the most obvious, how I'm always smiling from when I start work till I leave work when he's there. So yeah.


Any advice, words of wisdom, or just general comments about any of my post are much appreciated.



Thank you,




Oh and just a little sidenote, if it helps any, I am 18 and he's 20. We are both in college.

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Hi Justagirl,


If the job's not permanant, then I wouldn't see why not right? My cousin did the whole dating her co-worker thing. Her job is permanant, and after the break up, she had to change her schedule around so that they wouldn't see each other. It was confusing, but I guess after the parted their own separate ways, things sorta went back to 'normal'.


In your situation, I wouldn't even let work be an issue. I think that if you truly bond with him, then what the heck why not gamble. Good luck on the relationship!

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I'd say definitely go for it I have dated guys in the workfield twice - once when I was a secretary I dated my boss (now that one is a little trickier to get around when and if you break up) and as a waitress I dated a fellow waiter... I'd say definitely try it out... You've really nothing to loose except if you let an opportunity slip you by.

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Thanks for replying. Does it sound like there is a slight possibility I have a chance with this going on to be more than just friends?


I don't work with him at all this coming up schedule. I will see him on Friday for about a half hour, I'm opener and hes closing that night. So, I'm disappointed because I am not sure how much longer he'll be working at this restaurant. He isn't happy with a few things so he might be putting in his 2 week notice soon.


But anyway, I'll see if he calls and I'm sure I'll be back to ask for more advice


Thanks again, and add anything if it'll help me.




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We do find ourselves in situations where we like someone but we only see them for a short space of time. The key is finding the right moment , making the most of all the coincidences and then (fingers crossed) fate should fall into place.


To be honest I think most of it comes down to your own decision. Puttting yourself on the line with a guy or gal is like placing a bet, you win some you lose some.


But look at it this way, at least you gave it your best shot.


All the best.

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Well, it turns out that he is dating someone (according to him they arent serious, just, kinda dating). She lives 2 hours away, going to school. So, yeah. It was fun though last night working with him. He was teasing me and joking around with me. He kept hugging me all night and we talked about him getting that other job. And I was actually supposed to work where his new job is and so he was like "come work there with me, that'd be so much fun and we'd both be happier working there." So, I'm not sure. He walked me to my car again last night, in the rain. Poor guy, got all wet. So anyway, yeah...thanks for the advice and such




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