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Picture in my head


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How do I get the picture out of my head of my ex wife sleeping with other men? I know I shouldn't be thinking of these things, but I just can't seem to stop. After all this time I keep wondering if she is sleeping with someone yet. And if she is how could she after all that time with me? This is driving me insane can anyone please give me any idea's on how to stop these thoughts?

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ouch that is not a fun picture to have. I know what it's like though. The first couple of months were real hard for me. I would lay awake at night for fear of dreams about her and someone else being there with her. You need to find other things to keep your mind busy. Do you have kids? if so they can be a big help mine were for me. When they are with me I don't have time to think about what she is doing or with who. My full attention is with them. Maybe a gym?

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Start sleeping with another women.. and youll have that in your head, and forget all about her... your divorced right??


Not that easy. I have no other woman to sleep with and am having a hard time finding one that I would want to sleep with. I have been out on dates but none of them have had that spark I am looking for.

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Not that easy. I have no other woman to sleep with and am having a hard time finding one that I would want to sleep with. I have been out on dates but none of them have had that spark I am looking for.


True... but sometimes after a long rel.. you just need to go out and have some sexs.. it makes you feel alot better.. at least me... and found it helps get over the ex a little faster...


then when you have a clear head.. you can go out and date a girl, that is worthy to you... just an idea...

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Those thoughts will subside with time. You are focusing on what she is doing because you have not yet moved on. It is actually fairly easy to sleep with another person once you have moved on but the problem is that you are transposing your feelings up her. In essense since you havent been able to find someone to sleep with you wonder why she has. She isnt you and people move on at different paces.

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