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Day 3 and I'm Miserable


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A part of me regrets disconnecting his phone line... now I have no idea what is going on. Does he even miss me? I wonder what he is up to all the time... I know it was for the best... do have NC, but it's killing me.


I'm not one of those people who are "out of sight, out of mind" and just find ways to mask the pain. I deal with pain by moping and laying in bed. I haven't eaten and lost 5 lbs in 3 days. I don't know how to function. When will this go away? I can't take much more.

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I am going through a break-up at the moment shemo and I feel exactly the same, although you seem to have lost more pounds on day 3 than I. Damn you!


I do exactly the same. Late nights awake, lying in my bed, crying a bit, heart pounding, going through texts, analyzing things. It's horrible. Just know you're not the only one and take solice in that.


We all have different ways of dealing with things. Try as best you can to be strong and what will be will be. Horrible phrase but it is so true: "Time is a great healer".

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It has been a week since I broke up with my boyfriend and I can tell you, it gets better. I was where you were last week. You will feel like eating again soon and you will sleep better soon. You will even laugh again. Just take it slow and try to get a little more outside yourself each day. Hang in there. You will heal.

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Just one day at a time...force yourself to do one nice thing for yourself each day that will help YOU feel a little better.. paint your nails...dye your hair..start exercising...whatever it is big or small it truly does help...another good thing to do is read..get some good books that interest you, they keep your mind focused and stop all that anxiety that comes with obsessive thoughts of your ex and the reasons for your breakup...you can control your thought process to some extent its hard but focus...your appetite will return in spits and spats...try and eat something....if you cant sleep have a glass of red wine before bed, if it helps, while taking a nice bath to relax..these little things do help us get through each day...good luck to you..no one can care for you like you can so find your strength in doing just that..

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Here's some other stuff you can do to feel better. They might seem odd, but they work:

1. Take care of your appearance, i.e. even if you're not leaving the house, put on some nice clothes, dress up.

2. Try to eat fruit and take vitamins. If you're not eating regularly, you'll start to get even more depressed due to vitamin deficiency.

3. Force yourself to go out. Don't decline invitations. It sometimes even helped me to go out alone to have a cup of coffee in a cafe. Just getting out of the house and being around people helps.

4. No alcohol, no drugs. The feelings will come back the next day with a vengeance.

5. Of course, you've already heard of exercising. The endorphins do help boost your mood. What isn't often mentioned is going to a sauna. That is a proven antidepressant and it sure helped me.

6. Reunite with family and friends.

7. Stick to NC. It will not only empower you, but with time - believe me - the feelings will fade and you'll start feeling something new. All you have to do is start constructing your new life and then your mind will stop obsessing over the part of your life that is finished. Think of it as an opportunity in disguise, an opportunity to redefine yourself outside of a relationship.


I wish you luck

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I was this same a week ago when I split with my boyfriend, could barely get out of bed and shower, definitely couldnt eat a thing and he was my EVERY thought to the point of exhausting my brain. A week on Im still sad....but MUCH better than this time last week. Im sleeping better, eating a little/getting my appetite back, and starting to accept the realisation that we are over for good. Bit by bit, each day you will feel better. It is true what people say x

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