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what do i do? i wasnt there for her when i should have

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ok my girl broke up with me about 4 weeks ago becuase i wasnt there for her when i should have my mistake but i cant do anything about it now she only dated one other guy other than me and that was for 3 years then she didnt date anyone for 4 months then we met and things were like nothing before we would talk and do things all day and ussually the days werent long enough becuase we would stay up all night just talking ... ok but after i messed up i tryed everything to get back with her and she wouldnt give me a chance ... but ive been doing the no cantact thing for 15 days ...some days are good and some are bad ... but we had some things to do together and i cancelled and didnt go...then i get a message saying that im being a ... what would you want me to do after you broke me heart .... now valentines day is here and im hurting even more .... i was going to try to give her a call in a few more weeks if im doing better but i have the urge to send her an E card but i dont think i should maybe she send me something or not.. im not sure about anything right now any advise will be helpful?????????

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What did you do that was such a mistake? KNowing that mgiht help, but in more general terms, I'll comment.


First, you need to realize that whatever you did has caused her to not trust you. Repairing trust is a long and time-comsuming process. Trust is an easy thing to lsoe and hard to get back. If you aant her back, you are going to have to show her you are trustworthy, and you'll need to prove that you are for her to believe it.


Telling her anything is not going to make it be repaired over night.


What to do in the interim? Well, if you can keep yourself from chasing her now, you can talk to and see her. If not just stay away until you can.


Once you can act like you don't need her, can be independent, etc., then you can have contact and adopt an attitude towards her that she will figure out how good you are and how good for her you are, and when she does she will come running for you. Now, you can let her know you will welcome her when she does, but do it once or once in a very, very rare while, then just not let her see what you are hoping for. Any questions??

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