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Should I be mad...


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I had a date with a guy tonight and he just called me at 3:30pm and told me he had to cancel because he forgot he had to pick up family from the airport. I mean couldnt he have called me earlier in the day? Picking up family from the airport is a pretty set and important thing to "just" remember.

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you can be mad and understanding.


mad: if he purposely don't want to see you


understanding if he really forgot.


straight enough answer right? lol


if i were him i could make the cake and eat it too by picking up my family and postpone the date like 2 hours later and still see you but those things only happen in fairy tales.


I say you shouldn't come into any conclusion but you should talk aobut it and how it damn hurts ;( because it'll build up later like cancer and every time he refuses last minute you'll have that grudge like feeling. so get it out early and if he deals with it maturely he is a keeper and you know he is akeeper but if aint then glad you found out early than when you are 2 years in.

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Hey, it could happen. I forget important things like that all the time, lol! But I wouldn't say anything to him, let the date go and if he's a stand up guy and actually follows through with rescheduling the date, at least give him another chance. If he gives another last minute excuse, ESP. since it's been scheduled a week from now, then I'd let him go.

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I agree, no reason to be mad, it was the first date after all. Leave it completely to him to re-schedule. He will call back if he's interested. When he does, you can mention you will go on one condition: that he buys the dinner AND drinks ( or the first 7 rounds if it's just drinks lol)to make up for it. Jokingly of course.

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honestly in my opinion - if he's blowing you off at the last minute on the second date, he's probably just making excuses. but hey - stranger things have happened. if he follows through on the reschedule i'd just forgive/forget. if you show anger toward him for missing only the 2nd date, it may come off as possessive and you may very well scare him off - especially if it's the first time he's ever rescheduled anything with you. (it's not like he's blown you off a number of times) If he misses the reschedule too, i'd let him go.

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Sorry to say, but his excuse sounds bogus. Picking people up at the airport is usually not an all evening event, and if he really wanted to see you, he would have suggested getting together a little later or would have offered an earlier reschedule than a whole week away. And yes, letting you know so late was rude and a red flag. Best wishes.

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