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i would just like some advice...

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i had a boyfriend for 2 years. he was one of those "non working guys" but he had a lot of issues and i am the type of person to feel sorry and want to help people. so, in march of last year he moved out he said that he loved me too much to put me through this any longer. but we continued to talk...around halloween i started seeing someone else and when my ex found out. then he was going to change and all of that good stuff needless to say i went back with him and broke up and went back and broke up...now i found out that he is dating someone and working not a good job but working and i am crushed i am afraid that someone else will get what i have always wanted. have i made the wrong decision? i do love him very much...

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No, I don't think you made the wrong decision. Everything happens for a reason. Him breaking up with you and telling you he didn't want to put you through whatever he's referring to, sounds like a cop-out. Relationships are tough, but it's the trying times that show how much they truly care. When they make efforts to pull through and make things work out, then you know you've got a good catch.


For now, if I were you, I'd carry on, and let him live his own life. Just realize that he chose to walk out on you in the first place. By him doing that, his actions are enough to tell you that you've made a wise decision.

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Hi Hellokitty,


Mahlina's right there. He did choose to walk out yah?


In life, there's always a time to grasp at chances and a time to let go of old ghosts. You should not let this one relationship bog you down. Move on, remember that there's so much more to life. Yes, relationships play a massive role in one's happiness, but let it come naturally.


In time, you will meet the guy for you. Be well.

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