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Everything was great but broke up all of a sudden..


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I met him 2 months ago. We were friends at first and really enjoyed hanging out with each other alot.. He did tell me that at this point of his life he doesn't want to be in a serious relationship because he want to live a high life. But we continue to spend so much time together.. i tried to leave him once but it was unsuccessful.. everthing he did before just show completely the opposite of what he told me. He also told me that there might be a possibility that we can have a relationship. He seemed commited to be and we do a lot of things together.. i was falling in love... Nothing seemed to be going wrong at all.. i have a very strong womam instinct and i could feel that he does like me a lot and was considering being with me..


1 night before he goes back to his hometown for 3 weeks for holiday. We had a little argument over some stupid thing and that triggered him to cool off this relationship. I was crying but he was crying more.. I requested him to not come to the out sports and social events anymore and want to stay NC with him.. deep down inside i am hurting so much.. I am angry too.. we had such a great relationship and I cannot imagine having a better one.. and he threw it away because he wants to experience a free life where he can meet new people constantly.. new girls.. new excitement..


I really want him back but i don't know how.. i guess i have to let him go to experience that life that he wants to.. but saying is really such easier than done.. it hurts so bad..

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There was absolutely no sign of him wanting to end the relationship.. before he went back to his hometown, he was asking me what christmas pressie i want from his home and bought me a thing that i wanted for a while.. is there a possibility that he might make that decision out of irrationality?

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