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I am a 21 year old virgin, where can I go to have casual sex

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Hi everyone.


I am a 21 year old virgin. This is not because I want to be a virgin, but because for most of my life I was anti-social, ugly, immature, shy, low self-image, etc.


Well my sex drives in kicking in high gear, but I've never kissed a girl before or even been on a date. All I want to do is kiss someone for the first time, and have sex. However, I don't have any clue as to where to go to pick up a woman, and have close to no social skills. The obvious answer would be prostitution or strip club, but I do believe in either of those things.


So my question is, what type of places are good to pick up a person? I know I should probably get a girlfriend and have sex wit her, but that's expensive, and I'm in college in a hard course and have next to no money.


The reason I want to have sex so bad is because I feel like a total loser. I should know how to kiss someone, how to properly fondle a breast, how to give oral sex...etc. I just want to learn these things a little. This is because when I finally do go out with someone and we decide to take the next step, I want to know a little bit about what I am doing. If I can't even kiss her right, or give her proper oral sex, I don't think she would stand for that. My inexperience with physical intimacy would make me seem childish and unprepared for something like that, even if I am in fact ready.



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I know it is really frustrating to go so long without every feeling intimate with a woman. But, it still sounds like you aren't being rational about it. You should never have sex just for the sake of having sex. To lose the "virgin" tag is the lowest motivation. By your tone, an intimate relationship seems like something you wouldn't want if it hit you in the head. I walked the same line as you, but I did find someone who I came to love. Two weeks from my 22 birthday, I finally had sex. But it wasn't just that. I really had feelings for that girl. Don't look for a casual fling to do in the lable. In the end, you'll feel even more empty. Just relax. I'm not sure you are yet mature enough to engage in such an act by the way you speak of looking for a casual date. Sex is meant to be the highest of intimate gestures to show your appreciation and caring for someone. Even if it isn't always that way.

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Hey Pablo!


Yea I feel for you man, 21 and never kissed a girl. Hmm casual sex, you tried desperate places like clubs etc or like a pub? Cybersex is pretty easy, you can find it straight on the net.


lol hang on, did you say pick up a good person? woah, now you're gonna have to decide, are you looking for sex or a relationship? sex is basically you don't care about the personality, sometimes not even looks coz hey once the lights are off, its all the same.


Sorry I can't help much coz I havent' really been in your situation before. Maybe you should try parties.


Happy Heb

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Seriously don't, just wait for the right person! I thought when i was 16 that i should just sleep with someone to get it over and done with but i'm so glad i waited until my first serious boyfriend and my advice to you is to do the same and wait!


I know a guy who just went out and slept with the first person that found him remotely attractive then a few weeks later he met someone and told her about the one night stand being his first and she was pretty disgusted at that, i just think girls will admire you more if you just wait for the right person instead of in casual sex!

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