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Reading love.


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Sure as there is a sun, I am a huge book worm. I read of love, the truest kind. I read of love, the most hurtful, heart-breaking kind. Both absorb me like a the way the sun kisses my skin and makes me feel warm. More than I can remember, I am left spaced out in my own universe where I wish I could just walk down the street and run into this absolutely gorgeous, most perfect man and fall so deeply imperfectly perfect love with him.


I have heard songs, that make me think back onto a specific book and make my heart break like I had taken the place of the luckiest girl in the world. Only, the luckiest girl in the world isn't real. She's a character. The love that is so beautifully written onto thin leaves of a tree makes my heart pound and can make the sweetest salty water drip from my eyes and to soak the pages of my book.


Why can I find that kind of love? The kind that makes you certain that no matter how many fights you put yourself into together, you'll always be just that. Together, and that's all that matters. You feel beautiful underneath his warm skin.


I can't imagine how I traveled here through my mind? Am I looking for something built in my head? Do some of us really not find that someone who makes them breathlessly loved?


Can you be him?

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