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What the HELL?

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So I'm JUST starting to get over my ex-gf, the little {Mod Edit} who betrayed and cheated on me multiple times... we'll call her "Gen". Anyway, I was JUST starting to get over it, and then some A-Hole adds me on Facebook... I ask how he knows me, and he says "I {Mod Edit} Gen".


Now I'm all the way back to square one... that is, crying my guts out and just wanting to kill myself.

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That is horrible, what an absolute wanker.


Look at it this way, thats the kind of person she slept with... some low life kid with nothing better to do... well done to her...


It sucks bad that you had someone say that, i'm sorry. Delete him as a friend and just try not to think about it. =( You can start again.

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So I'm JUST starting to get over my ex-gf, the little {Mod Edit} who betrayed and cheated on me multiple times... we'll call her "Gen". Anyway, I was JUST starting to get over it, and then some A-Hole adds me on Facebook... I ask how he knows me, and he says "I {Mod Edit} Gen".


Now I'm all the way back to square one... that is, crying my guts out and just wanting to kill myself.


I hope you ignored the friends request? People can't just add you without you confirming right? IGNORE THEM. Really, childish jokes like this say more about the one who makes them than about the one who is at the receiving end. I don't know if it helps, but I seriously doubt that the jerk who said this actually slept with her. He is just trying to get a reaction, don't grant him that.


Right now, these people (Gen and her bunch of 'friends') have a lot of power over you. Try to take that power back! You're much more mature than they are.

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He wants a reaction out of you, that is why people wants to do such cruel thing, do not give them ANY reaction at all......ignore and you're sending a message like you don't care. Remember they want a reaction, dont' give in and deal with your emotions on your own cos they belong to you and you deal with them facing them with full force.

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There are always going to be extremely cruel and stupid people out there that get their kicks from hurting others. The best thing to do is not let these people irk you. Remind yourself that they are losers with nothing else better to do than sit behind a computer all day and make others miserable.

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I was actually thinking of sending a reply like that... something like "You think that makes you special? The guys who HAVEN'T slept with her are the minority now." and then blocking him.


Yes, I ignored the friend request, but he can still send messages... I'm going to block him.


See, now you are reacting to them. I would simply pretend those persons don't exist. Any reaction will tell them that it hit a soft spot. Don't lower yourself to that level, it's not worth it.

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That's absolutely shocking. I'm sorry you had to see that!


I agree with what metrogirl said - some people are just horrible losers with nothing better to do than brag about their sexual ''conquests'' on facebook. Block him, and give facebook a rest. I'll refrain from my rant on the trouble these ''social'' sites can cause....](*,)

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being a teen is so hard! I am happy I made it through that stage of life.


"love" is when two people loose themselves to become one. This is a dangerous act that can distroy a person, because if the relationship ends, you have no self to return to. you have to start rebuilding who you are from scratch.


my advice to you is to never loose your identy in a relationship, keep yourself a whole person who can live without your partner. i guess the christians call it "guarding your heart." if you blend with another person, that person becomes a part of you forever, i know two people who cant get over relationships that ended over 3 years ago.


keeping your heart guarded doesn't mean that you cant commit, or care deeply for someone. You actually care more and treat them better!! the only thing about keeping my heart guarded is that i will never PROMISE forever. (which most girls dont like..."what do you mean you wont promise me forever") if i promise forever i will take it for granted. I would rather say to my partner "dear, there is nothing forcing you to be in my life, i truly appreciate you being here and I will do my best to please you so i continue to have the pleasure of your company." (to me, this is better than saying "i love you")


i just got out of a relationship with a girl that i still think is almost perfect, i cared for her, and i could see myself spending my life with her, but i kept my heart guarded and just enjoyed her company not expecting "forever". a few times i felt the urge to give in, but i held onto myself and it payed off. the relationship has ended and i'm OK (it still hurts... just not like half of myself is gone)



if you "guard your heart" you will never feel this pain again.

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well to be honest your handling It better than I would be. I would have probably beat that kid who said that to you, of course that would just make you look really bad and make things even worse. Butah anyway just move on, and find someone new. It will make you feel better and have her feeling bad for everything she has done to you. yes a rebound relationship It helps trust me. Be happy, and just repet in your head that there are people dying of cancer and if you told them things like this they would take you as a joke.

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Butah anyway just move on, and find someone new. It will make you feel better and have her feeling bad for everything she has done to you. yes a rebound relationship It helps trust me. .



ehhh... i'm against rebound relationships, it hurts the new person. you are young, so their may not be that many girls out there would would be willing to be what i like to call an "Intimate friend." This is a friend who you care about, and can cuddle with, talk to, hang out with and have sex with, but there is no expectation of relationship. you get the benifits of the rebound person (intimacy), but you are not setting anyone up for serious heart ache and can move on when its time.

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