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WHAT gets YOU off?

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hey everyone.

i was wondering what it is thats a major turn on for both men and women.

i mean you have the usual where its said that if you want to satisfy your man then just give them a blow job. well what other ideas or actions gets you arroused?

i mean in detail of what you enjoy being done to you? what are new ideas that each of us could apply to our partners?





p.s. i just saw a pattern on sex and romance so i thought id do one related, and advice *winks*

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Well for turn offs, I really dont like a girl that is very, how should I put this, wh*re like, where she cant stay with one guy for more than 5 seconds and/or literally well looks like one too (drug users are major turn offs too). As for turn ons, I like it when a girl shows she cares for me, give me a hug or kiss once in a while, its nice .

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I love a girls skin! Her shoulders, neck and that very tender skin between her panties and her thigh. There's a fragrance there that's unresistable. When my girl shows me that and waits for me to nuzzle it with my lips and then pulls her panties to the side and she's already wet.....that is so f_____ cool! From that point on she owns me.

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I love a guy who knows what he's doing and is confident. I once dated this dentist, wow, boy was he different in his office and uniform.


I didn't know that he was a dentist when I met him. He was like a kid in person, but when he was in his office taking my x-rays, boy was I turned on! He was so confident and knew what he was doing. But, I found out that he was overly confident. So yeah, 'stuck-up' would be a trait that turns me 'off'!


Other turnoffs: men with unecessary facial hair that doesn't match their face! Men who are pre-madonnas (those who are cocky and way outspoken), men who always check themselves out in the mirror, men who buy more expensive clothes than women (the ones who invest too much into looking good), and wanna be players (the ones that try to dress up like pimps in funny looking suits). Oh and last but not least, men who try to be someone that they're not.


Turn Ons: Humbleness, talent (anything, just good with what they do), educated, cleancut, straight teeth (just kidding), I just like a guy with a sincere smile.

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i know what you mean about facial hair and being confidence. still i gues thats a personal opinion.


illhelp, i know what your talking about, and yeah nice detail. lol. thats impressive. still so thats what gets you going?


as for the first three, thanks for being and having a sensitive opinion.


i havent had my back kissed but i deffinitley like my stomach and neck, now thats nice!



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Yeah, that's like a woman at her most , well, just woman. Women should remember that men are their biggest admirers. If you go into a store you'll see rows of magazines that show men all we love about you. That's from your head to your toes, and all that's beautiful and incredibly desirable about you.


I've never had a woman show me the same in our private moments and not responded fervently. This also brings out these wonderful scents a woman has. We're suckers for you and will continue to be. That's the way we're made. I'm glad you liked the details. It made me remember too. And that's life.


Go get him!

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  • 1 year later...

Uh oh. I can be coc.ky (I hide a huge ego) sometimes and I am pretty outspoken. Traits I wouldn't lose for anybody. And honestly, most girls who say they don't like a little c.ocky are usually kiddin' themselves. As for what I think is a turn on, women who are very very sexual and kinky. Also, I like women who are either naughty or nerdy, sexually aggressive and at the same time can be very sexually submissive.

I like a girl who like's waking me up by making love to me and in turn like's being made love to by being woken up. Skinny dipping, strip poker, exhibitionism, are all also cool. Having sex in a pulblic place where there's a chance of us gettin caught is a turn on. A girl who demands what she wants is a turn on. A girl who loves oral and dare i say it, anal, is a turn on. Handcuffs, sleezy lingerie, leaping out naked from a birthday cake is a turn on. Having sex while listening to really good sexual music is a turn on. Cuddling where I can feel her heartbeat is a turn on. Sultry rapturous sexual eyes are a turn on. A girl who like's riding hard on top is a turn. Jiggling breasts is a turn on. double piercings around the ear, bellybutton and tongue toungs is a turn on. Ankle bracelets, toe tings, and painted toenails and fingernails is a turn on. High intelligence, freakiness, and excellent conversational skills are also a turn on. Also, when I really like a girl, I like holding her small toes for some reason. I have no feet fetus. It is just such a small vulnerable part of the body that it makes me feel affectionate holding it gently like i'd hold her hand.

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lol, we have someone who knows psychology here!! i like it, could well be a freudian slip but we all know what he was on when he was writing his stages of development! but your right, could be some inner desire


heck, you like quite alot of things. seems as thought you could find just about anything in someone who thought they had nothing sensual. i like it, your varied. it seems like you like to keep yourself intrigued, not into cliche and like the contrasting aspect of sex or just play. i think thats great.


i have to completely agree with the in public. i think i like a man who doesnt give into temptations. like when im pleasing my man i tend to make sure that he doesnt have any influence i.e. touching me etc...its full down to what i do that makes him enjoy it...like taking one of the senses away,

but you have some great ideas!



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i like for my guy to hold me cuddle with me and kiss me i also do the same to him i dont like a guy to say they love you then go and cheat behind your back had that happen in the past that is why i am kinda of scare to trust my guy but he says he aint going nowhere and i believe him but there are some guy and women do this to that cheat on there other person

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turn offs (Wow, I feel like a Playboy Playmate!), just one major one- white jockey shorts...heck, any color jockey shorts. Nope, nope, nope. I will leave the room. A real deal-breaker. Un-uh. Just not an attractive garment.


turn ons- eye contact, that look in his eye when you know he`s thinking about how much he wants it, a unique sense of humor, a sweet smile, laughing `til we cry over nothing that anyone else would find funny, hopping out of bed to bring me a glass of ice water...that`s so sweet!! Cuddling, sexy talk, more sexy talk, sexy talk x 3, guys who are really really into women and our bodies, guys` hipbones (the curve is SO different), that sweet smooth spot under the belly button on down, neckbones, soft warm feet (mine can get cold), the space behind the ear, the place where the neck joins the shoulder, the soft hairless skin of the inner thigh, patience, understanding, a deep, deep kinkiness that goes beyond something you read in a book deep into your mind and secret desires. working all that out during sex, sex (any kind, although I am not partial to s&m with many difficult knots...seems more like something you`d do at boyscout camp or as a deckhand than erotic!), not getting bogged down in stupid crap like size or technique, doing what you feel, even if it`s a bit unusual, saying what you want, even if it`s scary to say it aloud, love, openness, kindness, warmth, generosity, intelligence, caring, honesty, absolute trustworthiness and good character, self-control, lack of self-control when appropriate....


That`s a good start, at least.

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Nice body, Blue and or green eyes, Pink or black clothes, short (not too short,just abit shorter than me), Sarcastic, Girls who laugh at my lame jokes lol, Quiet-ish girls ( not too outspoken), hair worn down, long hair past shoulders, Glasses (not big thick black geeky ones, but tidy looking ones), Girls who play with their hair wen i tlk to them, eye contact (not too strong) and this probably the most important one CREATIVITY i love it more than any other feature,There are lot's more i just can't think.


I guess they wasn't turn on's as such, just features i like to see in girls.

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i must admit, i agree with mermain here. i think to be fair i like my boyfriend to watch me do things .. or just to watch his expressions, i think you can tell alot from a persons expressions, moans etc as to what they are enjoying, or just maybe silence


its cool, saying the things you like.

if i had to comment then, i like someone with deep eyes who shows emotion, someone who doesnt necessarily over exaggerate everything then you get the right opinion, someone who can challange my thoughts...yes your right, most importantly creativity or ORIGINALITY! i love someone who can talk for hours to me but at the same time not need to talk at all. someone who is confident but not coc'ky but willing to show that they are weak and human, someone who admits that everyone has faults and someone who wants to achieve something.



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Blind folds are a turn on, people watching us is a turn on, manacles is a turn on, tasting the neck is a turn on, voyurism is a turn on, a girl who is visual and likes watching me masterbate is a turn on, watching her masterbate is a turn on, making adult videos together is a turn on, sex on grass/water/sand is a turn on. sex in front of headlights of our car at night in the middle of no where (thank you lynch) is a turn on, freckles is a turn on, tattoo right above the butt crack is a turn on, licking lips is a turn on, slowly stroking her hair with her fingers is a turn on, making love to her while she is wearing a t shirt i can sorta see through is a turn on, dirty talk turn on, heavy breathing turn on, playing with my uhhumm instrument is a turn on, hand jobs are a turn on, sweat is a turn on, a day of sex without showering or even leaving bed is a turn on, spanking (her) is a turn on, playing with her breasts is a turn on, glasses are a turn on, licking wine off her is a turn on, a little drunk but only just enough for her to be giggly is a turn on, a really naughty smile is a turn on...

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