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confused about this girl.....what should i do?

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I have very strong feelings for this girl that i work with. we've known each other for about 2 1/2 years now, but it is not until recently that we got to know each other really well. anyway she just broke up with her boyfriend not too long ago. they still talk with each other and still hang out as friend i suppose.. anyway here is my dilema.... i think she knows my feelings toward her. we flirt all the time while we are working. she obviously have some interest in me or else she wouldnt waste time flirting with me. she even offers me a ride home a couple times.. im just very confused sometime because i dont know whether she likes me as a friend or more than that.. sometime she would talk about her ex in our conversation...i dont know whether or not bringing up her ex in our conversation is a way for her to remind me that she still have emotional feeling toward this other dude and that maybe we should just be friend for now......... i like her more than just a friend and i am a little worried that if i ask her out and thing dont turn out as i suppose (another word if im wrong about she has feelings for me) then our friendship could be very awkward after that. can anyone give me some feedback on this.?. maybe you have been in this situation before....i need to know whether or not i should trust my feelings and make the move or just wait and remain best friend with her? any feedback would be greatly appreciated .. thanks

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First let me say Welcome to eNotalone.com


Now i have to ask you this First, She just got out of a relationship, Correct?


OK, Think about this for a Quick Sec If you did become her new Boyfriend, i think i would feel like a "Rebound" from her past relationship, Plus you said she brings him up in conversations Errrm. Not a good sign that she is over this guy quite yet. To continue with that->


Even if it's all bad things to say...everyone knocks our Ex's in front of friends or people in general, or talks bad about them behind there back, everyone has done that.


About her liking you, I have to say i think she is just being Friendly, I'm not saying that to crush you, (just honest) but from the lack of details, (no offense) it just sounds like a Friendly person, she could be waiting, and wanting to see what your about.


So this would lead her to try harder, or making more noticeable attempts to break that wall off *for lack of a better term* YOUR "defense" she presents a flirtatious aggressive personality, than in the end when that wall has been knocked down, us guys sometimes are left feeling like "WTF just happened" and we get mad, upset, and feel like the girl was playing with our Heads, and our emotions, well really the women are masters at this, they unconsciously, and sometimes the other way around, WANT A CHALLENGE, so ask yourself...



Are you being a Challenge towards her...?


You think if you let her know how you feel, Would things change?


You along with about 98% of all the other men in this world are scared of Rejection, that Pull down...that word leaves you wondering, and asking questions about what you did wrong, While In retrospect the guy has done nothing wrong, he just sort of let the girl know he was interested, BUT sometimes that comes to soon, and again the challenge i mentioned above, is GONE...NO MORE The reasons to chase the guy are no longer there, Becasue the guy has given up his Challenge.


Lets Break It Down: That word (rejection) has A LOT !!! of meaning in this post (hark attention to that word) so when this happens to the guy. It puts use in a state of mind, that isn't a pleasant one, and it stays with us for a while, it destroys our confidence, our courage, ourselfs.


Now that is what we DON'T want to encounter time and time again...and trust me it happens to the best of us...sometimes to often.


So I'm telling you to be cautious here, the choice is all yours, you seem like your in good shape with this girl, (under the title of Friends) So in a nut shell what i'm trying to say is...."Give a Little, Take a Little"..it's Reciprocal while flirting.


Remember Don't show too much, you come accross as being a Devitalized Sap, with no life, no guidance, and no confidence, But yet you want a Girlfriend. (lol)


Overlooking All This The 2 years you have known each other, She probably now wants to get to know you a little more, since she is out of a relationship... the game begins...


OK I'm sure you have heard of the Cat and Mouse game, and this game is played from both sides. And are sometimes risky, but to play the game (not like how you think) just keep her playing the Role of the CAT, and you play Mouse..don't let her flip that around.


"Remember it's the challenge she is after."


hope i helped you a little, making it more understandable is sometimes hard to do in words..But i tried my best, Good Luck my Friend

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