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Should I ask her out...?


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I'm a sophomore in high school, and there's this girl that i like. she doesnt go to my school, but we talk on the phone a lot and see each other too cuz we live pretty close. well i like her, and her friend said that she likes me, so i'm thinking about asking her out. however, this girl seems like pefect to me-she gets good grades, doesnt get in trouble with her parents or anyone else, she's really nice, and really pretty. she's a dancer, and a singer and she's never even had a boyfriend. i was so surprised because of how good looking she is. i know from my past relationships that for some reason i get bored after a few months, like all i can think about is how i want to see other peopple. well i really like this girl and i want to ask her out but im very afraid of hurting her or breaking her spirit. i'm afraid that we'll get into something serious, but then it will end up like my past girls and i'll just get tired of her and hurt her. does anyone know what i should do?

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hey biggy

see the first thing i would think about is that its great her friend told u that she liked u but u should know more. does she show that she has interest in you like body, signs, flirting, touching, closeness? if you notie any than she should be in interest of you. but of course you dont want to all of a sudden ask her out one day.slowly build up and to the point where your close with her ask her out where you feel confident. but make sure you know what ur doing. being in another relationship mean your commited and to spend time with her and listen to what she has to say. if you cant do those things you could end up breaking her hear and loosing a friend. so i hope you do whats right 8)

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Dealing with friends is tuff. If you are good friends than I think it would be ok if you told her you like her. If she likes you too than she will say so. And if she doesnt, it shouldnt be a problem if you are friends already. If it turns out that the relationship doesnt work out than try your best to end it well. You dont want to kill your friendship. It may not be easy at first but once you both find other people and are happy again than you'll be able to be friends. Good Luck

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