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please help, i was wondering what turns guys on?

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HI, could anyone tell me what guys like a girl to do, other than the obvious; like do they enjoy being kissed on the neck or other areas? how do they like to be kissed, fast/slow, what can you do to make it a night they wont forget? any advice is so greatly appreciated.


Thanx for listening....monie

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Hi Monika,


That is a good question you mention. It all depends on the circumstances I think. Sometimes you like to be kissed wildly and rough, other times you wish for slow, long kisses..


I am not a guy, but what I know is that this differs from guy to guy (for this matter, they are really similar to us women.. although some of them will always deny). Standard liked placs are indeed the neck, ears and tummies.


If you want to know what will turn a specific guy on, be bold and ask. I had very good experiences with just asking what they would like.


If you do not want to ask but just do... then pay attention to his reaction on your action. So if he sighs in a way that says 'please go on, I like this', keep up the good work . If he seems uninterested or not reacting to your moves, try another move / place to kiss.


Have fun!

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hey...i'm not a guy, but anyways... like people have said, it kinda depends on the guy. My guy when I was kissing his shoulders and neck, etc. told me it felt good. If you're brave enough I'd just go for what you feel like doing, see how they react to it. If it's a good reation, do it again, if it's uhhh not, then dont.


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  • 1 month later...

I got some different ideas too.


I think a guy is turned on when he sees that the girl is turned on. As in she is thinking about sexiness and it may involve him... (he starts to think he is the reason she is turned on)


It could be a turn on that she is merely thinking about something sexy, let alone doing any action at all. Talk can be a turn on.

A normal girl that can talk about sex is more interesting than a super model that talks about hair, nails and money.


I think a guy is also turned on when the girl shows that she has pride in him, that she respects him. Like if she showed him off to her friends..



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  • 2 months later...

ya, if u want to turn a guy on, what u should do IS let him make a move on u, then start to make out, lol then stroke ur hand on his *u know* and he should be turned on. BUT if u want him to be crazy turned on, give him a handjob, but before you do, kindof tease him to make him think ur gunna give him a blowjob, and if you think u r ready to give one, dont let him control ur head lol

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