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haha ok dramatic title but seriously...


today is well technically monday, 5:20 am.


tomorrow at 1 pm I have a shot-by-shot film analysis due. that means, analysing every shot (about 40) in a short film (very detailed - lighting, sound, editing, etc.) - then writing a technical review on it. I have not started yet, because I was SERIOUSLY behind in my notes and have spent the last few days note cramming but I still have 80 pages to wade through before I have a strong enough understanding that I can START the project that is due tomorrow.


On Wednesday at 5 pm, I have a midterm test worth 20% in geology. (i dont know why i took that..) anyway. i failed the first %20 of grade test. i have not been to any lectures since then, because the teacher is scatterbrained and an idiot and i learn better from the notes online. but I have not taken ANY notes since the last test. and this test in 2 days is cumulative - it is on EVERYTHING so far, with emphasis on all the lecture notes since the last test that I hvae yet to copy down and memorize. If I fail this I can hardly pass the course. but it is only a half credit.


anyways.... if you managed to get through this so far Please don't lecture me on my horrible study habits. I just started first year and got really behind at the start of the year due to personal issues and kindof screwed myself over - I am fully aware I am an idiot for having everything be so down to the wire.


I am just looking for advice here. I seriously don't know what to do. I am exhausted and the screen is getting blurry but I am afraid to sleep because then I will have less hours in which to start/finish film assignment and cram as much as possible for test.


but I know this is not realistic.. I don't know what to do. I don't see how I can pass the test when there is like no info in my brain and I have only 1 day to study for it. I hate the course anyway. What happens if you fail a 1/2 course? (like a half credit.) will it affect my GPA a lot? bring down my average a lot? i think if I plow through I can maybe do ok on the film assignment. (worth 15%, also a full credit course). but this test.. i don't see how I can do it, when I failed the first one after cramming for 2 days, and this one covers more information and I have only one day to cram.


lol this got really long im sorry.. my brain is really not functioning wellll at this time of night/day... but back to my textbook. ughhh


any advice/insight GREATLY APPRECIATED






thankYOU and help!

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You sound exactly like me in one of the post I started couple months ago. I was exhausted back then because I was taking too many courses at once and slacked a bit myself after moving to another location.


The truth you'll have to accept, and i believe you've already accepted them, is that you're probably going to have to fail the course.

Don't even think about how much it'll affect you because it's discouraging and not constructive.

The thing you might want to watch out for is your health. Sometimes, you just have to see the big picture and not kill yourself to pass a course.


The most constructive thing I can say is for you to note down why it is that you got into this place. What exactly went on, and devise a plan to not let this happen again. You're IN this situation right now, so fail properly and learn the lesson. WRITE IT DOWN and find a way to read it later on when you have another test/project again.


For this time, realize that nothing's going to change, so let the course lead its way. You can only do your best from here onward. Regret is a waste of energy. I know you're panicking. It's probably difficult to go to sleep too. If you have some milk in the fridge, just drink some and try to head to bed for now and wake up to tackle the problem again. Of course, do it once you're done with enotalone.

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thankyou, creative. that helped a lot, and i feel a bit more relieved. i'm not going to sleep just yet-- im gonna try and get some more notes down for film.. but you're right, i don't think there's any way I can pass geo. I guess the thing that worries me is it will bring down my GPA significantly - to the point that it will be a waste of a year/money and really hard to pull up.. I am paranoid about that.


but you are right -- hopefully lesson learned, and i will obv think about that later. thankyou for the support tho!

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